Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Buy the Ocean Wonders Aquarium Cradle Swing!

When it comes to baby items a lot of parents choose to get the baby swing. One semi popular item is the Ocean Wonders Aquarium Cradle Swing. But during my use of this item and the additional research that I conducted I found that there are ten reasons why you should not buy the Ocean Wonders Cradle Swing. Following is that list.
1. Not very sturdy. At first glance this item looks like it will hold up with anything, which is why I decided to put it on my baby shower list. But when using it, with my baby it looked at times as if it were going to break. There was also no issue with my child’s weight since he was in fact a very small baby. It just seems like these swings should be built a lot sturdier.
2. Not all the speeds worked. With this item you are supposed to be able to speed the swing up, but for me they did not work properly. I also spoke to several other moms who had the same problem that I had.
3. The motor is too noisy and keeps the baby awake. A sing for your baby is something that is supposed to be comforting and relaxing to your baby. This seemed to scare my child more than it soothed him. Besides the fact that the swing was a little on the rough side, the noise did not help either.
4. Batteries have to constantly be replaced. Another complaint from many parents is that the batteries have to constantly be replaced. However you should keep in mind if you are using the swing on a daily and hourly basis, you should invest more money in batteries that will last. It just seems to really drain a lot out of the batteries in my opinion. This is especially the case when you compare it with other swings on the market.
5. The songs are a little annoying for parents. We as parents love it when we are able to keep our babies quiet and comfortable for an extended period of time. But when you are constantly hearing the same songs over and over it can really drive any parent crazy. It would be nice if the songs were a little more soothing for parents.
6. Not enough space for baby. Although they say that it can hold an infant up to about twenty five pounds. Myself and many other parents in my area found that it was a little cramped for their babies. It may be because our children are a little on the chubby side, but they are still within the weight limits.
7. Problems with seat belt. The one thing you do not want to have to worry about when it comes to a baby swing is whether or not the seat belt actually works properly. I have found that this seatbelt has some major issues. I spoke with other moms who have stated that they also had difficulty with using the seat belts. For one thing they seem to be very uncomfortable on the baby, and the second thing is that sometimes it is very difficult to get is buckled.
8. Difficult to reattach pad after washing. Since most children frequently use the baby swing it is obvious that you will have to constantly clean it. This is why I first liked this item. But after removing the padding and washing it a few times, I found it difficult to put back on the swing. I know for a fact that it did not shrink because I hung it up to air dry. It was just rather annoying trying to put it back together.
9. Not worth the money. It costs about one hundred dollars which I guess is not that bad when it is compared to other products that are currently on the market. But for something that is this flimsy I really do not think that it is worth the price. Especially considering the fact that you constantly have to replace the batteries. It would be worth the money if it came with its own rechargeable battery.
10. Top speed is way too fast. When and if you can actually get this item up to the top speed it is definitely way to fast. It seems like your baby is going to go flying out or worse like the thing is going to fall over. It just shakes like crazy when you put it on the fastest speed; it really seems like an accident waiting to happen.