Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Buy the Spiderman and Friends Super-Hero Play Set

The most important things to any one buying toys for a child is quality. We want the child to be able to play with the toy easily and have fun for long periods of time. Kids have short attention spans in general, so anything they will sit down and play with for an hour or more is always a plus. The Spiderman and Friends Super Hero play set is an exceptional toy from the outside looking in, you have all these action figures playing on this huge slide equipped with an elevator, light, and air powered gun. My son wanted it from the first glance. Off I run to get it for his birthday, and boy was he excited. This was not a very good idea for a 4 year old.

1. This Spiderman play set came with way too many parts to be assembled. Some the pieces had to be disassembled before you could put this thing together. It took my mother and me three hours to get this thing together. The instructions seemed to be pretty cut and dry, but maybe it was just us. I was so upset by the time we finally got the thing together. My son screaming the whole time can I play with it yet! I suggest you put this thing together the night before you intend to give it to your child.

2. This toy has a few parts on it that were hard for my four year old to figure out. There is a dial to operate the air gun, elevator, and the light. He has to turn it to use each feature. He also had trouble applying enough force to use the air gun and elevator. He eventually figured all of it out, but a toy should not be a hassle. The age needs to move up to at least five.

3. When you get this toy together, it is not very sturdy and the parts do not fit well into each other. My son played with it one time before we had to reconstruct this Spiderman play set. All I hear is Mom come fix it.

4. This toy has too many small pieces that fall off and become lost. It is recommended for ages three and up, my son is four and I hardly trust this toy. If you have small children in the house, I would not suggest you buy this toy.

5. Speaking of the wires, I was not too thrilled about the wires running through this contraption, my son likes to pull them out constantly and play with instead of the toy. Even though there is not an issue with him getting hurt playing with them, I would hate for him to try to take something else apart and thinking those wires may be as safe to play with. They could have found an easy way to hide the wires.

6. The wires that are run through the toy to power the elevator and light get twisted and come out of place easily. You practically need a hand the size of a child to put them back where they belong. The air hose gets kinked every time you move the gun on the top of the toy causing the elevator and the gun not to work properly.

7. As we all know, most pictures that are on the outside of the box are things not included in the box. The name of toy implies to a child that they will get Spiderman and his friends with this toy, so I had to spend time explaining to my child that we have to buy them. They could have included more than Spiderman in the box, at least give him one friend.

8. This toy is very bulky and top heavy. It is very hard to find a space big enough for this thing to sit put together, and is way too hard to take apart and rebuild every time my child wants to play with it. If it stays together long enough, you can pick it up and move it to a new space if you need the room.

9. Batteries, batteries and more batteries. I know most toys take batteries. If your child, like mine, forgets to turn off the light, there go your batteries and it is not easy to replace them. If the toy sits for a long period, you have the acid leaking issue that could ruin the toy.

10. The price was not to impressive for me, paying $50.00 for a play set this hard to put together, with lack of characters to play with and the stability issues.

Overall most of the complaints I have with the Spiderman and Friends Superhero play set are my own. My children love to play with this toy, with the exception of me having to put it back together all the time. It does have a good look and they can use their other toys on it. I often see Buzz Light Year and some Little People going up the elevator and down the slide. In My opinion, this toy was not worth the effort of putting it together.

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