Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Let Your Kids Watch MTV

Unless you want your child’s behavior to get completely out of control then I would strongly advise you not to allow them to watch too much MTV. Have you actually taken the time to watch any MTV programs lately? If you have then you will see what type of programs they are currently playing. With fifty percent of the programs showing violent acts by adults the other fifty percent borders on the stupid and the half nude. Are these really the type of programs that you want your children to watch?

Of course you may feel that each generation is different and there have been several generations that have gone through the MTV generation. But if you really took the time to sit and watch the shows you may just be shocked. Some kids actually try to mold themselves after the people they see on MTV. I used to be a huge fan of MTV and when it comes to certain select shows, I still am a fan. Take for example the show “I want to be Made”. This is a show that takes a teen and turns them into whatever they have always wanted to be. Some kids need this to help them get through their teenage years. Not to mention how popular you will become with an MTV camera crew following you around your school.

But like I said this is one of the very few shows that actually seem to help teenagers. The one thing that I found really interested about MTV is that they have dozens of commercials that say abstinence is best when it comes to sex, and of course the ever popular say no to drug advertisements that you see. But they end up contradicting themselves by playing videos and shows that promote these types of behavior. The lyrics in some of the videos that they play promote smoking and the use of other drugs. Don’t you think that this send a mixed message to most teenage children. This is why so many teenagers walk around like they are completely confused about what to do and what not to do.

The bottom line is that what you kids watch is up to you. Never allow the television to be a babysitter for your kids. Especially when it comes to MTV. Or it might help to watch some of their favorite shows and choose the ones that you feel are appropriate for their age group. Once again not all of MTV is bad, but when you start looking at percentages about 80% of it is. Just make sure that your children are watching the 20% that is not harmful to them.

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