Ten Things You Can Do to Save Money on the Water Bill

With today’s advanced technology, many developments have been made available to the consumers to help save money on the water bill.
1. Replacing the toilet may reduce the amount of water being flushed out by a significant amount. Toilets that were made before 1980 typically flush out 5 gallons. On the other hand, newer toilets only flush out about 1.3 gallons. Just imagine how much money and water you can save by simply replacing the toilets!
2. In addition to replacing the toilets, you should also consider installing an aerator for the bathroom sink and replacing high-flow shower heads with low-flow shower heads. These inexpensive installments have a potential of saving several gallons of water per minute.
3. Many American families believe in saving time by using the dishwasher. Though many people may not know it, the cost of using a dishwasher daily can add up costing a lot on the water bill. If using a dishwasher is a must in your household, then think about using a dishwasher that consumes 6 gallons or less of water.
4. When the time comes to replace the clothes washer or dryer, consider purchasing one with the Energy Star sticker on it. Energy Star machines yield water reduction while using less energy at the same time. Though the price tag on Energy Star machines may be a bit more expensive, in the long run, it will be worth the investment.
Although replacing household utility items is a sure way to conserve water and save on the water bill, we must also take into account our water usage habits. With simple effortless changes in our habits, we can all contribute to preserving the water supply.
1. We’ve all been told to turn off the faucet while brushing our teeth and shaving. Allowing water to run continuously for 2 minutes can waste as much as 4 gallons of water.
2. When showering, turn off the water to soap your body and wash your hair. Only turn the water back on when you need to rinse off.
3. Don’t flush the toilet unless it’s truly necessary. For instance, if you toss a piece of hair into the toilet (which I don’t suggest you do since hairballs may end up clogging the toilet), it’s not necessary to flush the toilet until the next use.
4. Don’t use the toilet as a trash can. Throwing cotton balls, Kleenex, and tissue into the toilet will lead to unnecessary flushing of water. Furthermore, dumping items into the toilet, other than waste, can eventually clog the toilet up.
5. Only use the washing machine when you have enough clothing to be washed.
6. Re-use kitchen water to water plants. For instance, if you boil an egg, re-use that water for the plants!
There are infinite amounts of small changes we can all make to save our water supply. Pass on the knowledge so that we don’t lose the staple of life.