Ten Things to Know When Using a Portable Generator

If you have future plans to use a portable generator, the following ten tips are a must-read:

One: Because generators give off poisonous and deadly carbon monoxide vapors, which you cannot see or smell, it is very important to use them only in an outside space. This means do not use in the house, in the garage, crawlspace, shed, or even next to open windows or vents that can permit the noxious fumes inside.

Two: Do not plug the generator into outlets in your home. It can cause backfeed that is harmful to anyone connected to the same electricity transmitter, including the utility worker who may be trying to fix the source of the electrical outage.

Three: Plug your appliances into the generator with cords that are meant for outdoor use.

Four: Make sure extension cords are uncoiled and out in the open (do not allow them to go underneath anything, such as area rugs).

Five: Always turn off the generator and allow it to cool prior to refueling it.

Six: Store any fuel in the home or garage outside of the house and away from the generator, during generator use. Invisible vapors can ignite and cause unlimited damage to your home if this safety precaution is not followed. Make sure fuel is stored in the proper type of storage and that it is clearly labeled.

Seven: Have a utility worker come in and hook up a harness or transfer switch to your home if you plan to use the generator for house lighting. Do not hook the generator up directly to your wiring, as you, your neighbors, or again, even the utility worker trying to fix the line, could be seriously hurt from the backfeed this could create.

Eight: Purchase a generator that holds more voltage than you plan to use. If you overload a generator, you could damage your appliances that are being charged.

Nine: Make sure the generator is in a dry place to prevent electric shock. If necessary, craft a makeshift cover for it out of large poles and a waterproof tarp.

Ten: Keep children away from a running generator. Running parts get hot and can cause severe damage if they come in contact with the skin.

A portable generator can serve a very functional and convenient purpose, but it can also create various hazards and dangers to people and property if not used correctly. Read and carefully adhere to the manufacturer instructions that come with your generator, and keep these tips in mind, and you should be in good shape.

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