Ten Ways You Can Help the Environment

Don’t Drive If You Can Walk or Bike
Vehicle emissions can harm the environment. If possible, try walking or biking to wherever you need to go. Not only does it help the environment, but you’ll safe the price of gas, and maybe get into better shape when doing so.
If You Must Drive, Try Carpooling
Since most people don’t live within walking distance of their job, an alternative is to carpool to work. If any coworkers live within a close proximity of you, try to convince them to carpool; by trading off driving duties, you’ll cut down the effect your vehicles have on the environment, and might also save some money.
Switch To Electronic Statements
Most companies these days have some form of electronic bill-pay option; using this option cuts down on the amount of paper waste and tends to be quicker than traditional paper bills anyways.
Take Your Own Bags
Instead of choosing between paper and plastic, consider taking your own canvas bags to the grocery store. Washable and reusable, they’ll cut down on the amount of waste you create. Just think of the mountain of plastic bags left over after the average shopping trip: with a canvas bag, you can keep that waste from being created.
Switch to Fluorescent
Flourescent bulbs use less power than incandescent bulbs, and they last longer too. Furthermore, during daylight hours, try turning off the lights and opening the blinds on your windows. Mirrors can magnify the ambient light without increasing energy costs.
Plant Some Trees
Trees absorb CO2 from the air and convert it into oxygen. Furthermore, planting trees in such a way that they shade the walls or windows of your home can reduce cooling costs. Not only that, but they add to the value of your home, provide a home for local birds, and just look great.
Don’t Use Disposable Items
Though convenient, disposable plates, cups, and silverware produce a huge amount of waste. By purchasing washable and reusable tableware, you can help the environment.
Don’t Throw Out Old Furniture, Clothing and Books
Consider donating these items instead. Most libraries will take used books, and every town has a number of thrift stores that will take old furniture and clothing.
Use Plasticware Instead of Cling Wrap
Instead of using cling wrap or aluminum foil to store leftover foods, consider purchasing washable, reusable plasticware. In the long run, they’ll save you money, too, since you won’t have to purchase cling wrap or sandwich bags.
Don’t Litter
Finally, just make sure you don’t contribute to the litter problem. If a trash bin isn’t readily at hand, hold onto your trash until you can dispose of it properly.