Ten Ways to Cut Down on Your Expenses

Walk or Bike, Don’t Drive
With gas prices as high as they are these days, try to use your car only when you really need it. If your destination is relatively close to your home, consider walking or riding a bike. Not only will you save on gas, but you’ll reduce wear and tear on your car, allowing you to save maintenance costs. When you do have to drive, see if there’s any way you can carpool with someone else.
Buy Off Brands
Most of your common name-brand items are duplicated at a cheaper price by off-brands. In some cases, these are the exact same product. Wal-mart, for example, frequently agrees to carry name-brand products if the company will produce a certain quantity that Wal-mart can sell under its own brand.
Drink Tap Water
Instead of paying for bottled water, consider drinking the water out of your faucet. If you can’t fathom the idea of drinking unfiltered water, consider purchasing a filter that attaches directly to your faucet. While more expensive initially, in the long-run you’ll save the cost of purchasing lots of bottled water.
Only Wash Clothes with a Full Load
Make sure you have a full load of laundry before washing clothes and you can save a lot on water costs. The same principle applies to dish washers as well.
Turn off the Air Conditioner
Air conditioning counts for a large percent of most people’s electricity bill. Consider turning off the AC, opening the windows, and using fans instead. It might not get as cool, but it’ll definitely be cheaper.
Buy Second-Hand Items
Instead of buying brand new items, consider purchasing from thrift stores and yard sales. While it can be a bit harder to find what you need, you can usually find things cheaper. Make sure you check to make sure something works before buying it, though.
Use Fluorescent Bulbs
While fluorescent light bulbs are more expensive initially, a single fluorescent bulb lasts up to 13 times longer than its incandescent counterpart, and they use less energy to generate the same amount of light. That’s 12 light bulbs you won’t have to buy for every light-socket in your home.
Cut Out Unnecessary Costs
Consider dropping premium features from your cable TV or cellphone plans. If your hobbies are particularly expensive, such as playing online games with monthly costs, consider cutting back on those types of activities.
Use Coupons
Be sure to look for coupons everywhere. While they may only save you fifty-cents or a dollar here and there, those savings can add up over time. Just be sure that the discounted price is cheaper than the off-brand, or you may still be paying too much.
Cook at Home
Instead of eating out every night, buy the things you need at the store and make your own food. You’ll be amazed how much you can save by simply buying ingredients and combining them yourself.