Ten Ways to Recycle Plastic Containers for Your Own Use

It isn’t that your plastic containers are old or stained; you’d just like a new set to match your kitchen. But, what do you do with your old set? You don’t want to throw it away, but you need to make room for the new set. Luckily, there are ten ways to recycle your plastic containers.

Ten Ways to Recycle Plastic Containers #1: Make a Candle Mold

Candles are easy to make, but finding a mold isn’t always easy. Luckily, you have plastic containers in every size imaginable that you need to recycle. When you choose to recycle your plastic containers into candle molds, remember to choose ones that are heat-proof.

Ten Ways to Recycle Plastic Containers #2: Dog Dishes

If you have outside dogs, you may notice that you have to replace their food and water dishes quite often. Instead of spending more money on dishes that will only fall apart in a few months, why not recycle your plastic containers into dog dishes?

Ten Ways to Recycle Plastic Containers #3: Dog Treats

Use your plastic containers as way to store all of your dog’s treats. This is a wonderful way to recycle your plastic containers, because it keeps the treats air tight so that they will last longer and not mold. You could even combine several half empty boxes to create a snack mix for your dog.

Ten Ways to Recycle Plastic Containers #4: Office Supplies

Don’t you hate it when you lose several sticks of staples in your desk drawer, only to find them as your reach in for something else? After you’re done putting bandages on your fingers, recycle your small plastic containers to house all those small office supplies you have on hand.

Ten Ways to Recycle Plastic Containers #5: Craft Supplies

A wonderful way to recycle plastic containers is to use them for craft supplies. You can put thread in one, needles in another, etc. This makes it easy to keep up with your craft supplies without your fingers meeting the same fate as they did in your desk drawer.

Ten Ways to Recycle Plastic Containers #6: Pot Luck Dishes

How many casserole dishes have you lost to pot lucks? The next time you’re invited to a pot luck, recycle one of your plastic containers and take something that doesn’t have to be served hot. For example, take a dessert. That way, you won’t care if you never see it again.

Ten Ways to Recycle Plastic Containers #7: Welcome Neighbors

You try to be nice by taking the new neighbor a gift welcoming them to the neighborhood. The only problem is, they usually think the container is part of the gift as well. Choose the nicest piece from the plastic containers you want to recycle and place the gift in that. Then the container can be part of the gift.

Ten Ways to Recycle Plastic Containers #8: Loose Hardware

If your husband’s workshop has loose screws, nails, etc lying all over the place, take some time and place everything in plastic containers. This way, you get to recycle your plastic containers and cleanup the tool shed at the same time.

Ten Ways to Recycle Plastic Containers #9: First Aid Kits

It’s easy to make homemade first aid kits and plastic containers are a wonderful way to store your first aid kit. You can recycle several of them and have a first aid kit for your dog, one to put in the car, one to go in the bathroom, etc.

Ten Ways to Recycle Plastic Containers #10: Kitchen Organization

If you have deep kitchen drawers, place plastic containers in the drawer as a way to keep it organized. For example, use one to keep your spices organized. Anything that is small can be placed in a plastic container for better organization.

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