Terms Every Bodybuilder Must Know

Weight training is not just for people desiring Frankenstein-sized biceps. Weight training is for anyone who seeks to improve their body’s composition. To some, that means training long and hard in the gym in order to have rock-hard abs. (Don’t know what abs are? It’s just shorthand for abdominals.) To others, it means building just enough muscle to help shed those excess pounds faster. Regardless of your personal goal, there are some basic terms you must know before taking that first step and lifting that first dumbbell.

Know the Lingo

People in attendance at a seminar on computer programming would be foolish to go without first knowing basic programming jargon. So why should bodybuilders act differently? Weight training also has its own language. I have compiled a very short beginner’s dictionary that won’t leave you feeling overwhelmed. This is a basic list of terms every bodybuilder (and, yes, that means you) need to know. Here’s the lowdown on what you need to know to get started:

Repetition: Also known as a rep, it is one complete movement of an exercise. For example, completing one sit-up is one rep.

Set: A series of repetitions performed in succession. For example, completing 20 sit-ups and then resting is considered one set. Your one set of sit-ups contained 20 reps. Starting out in the bodybuilding arena, you will most likely be able to achieve muscular gains with just one set per body part. After two or three weeks, though, be prepared to step things up. An intermediate bodybuilder usually completes a minimum of three sets per body part. An advanced bodybuilder may do up to twelve sets or more per body part.

Routine – The configuration of exercises, sets and reps that one utilizes in a training session. This just refers to how you did your training for that session. An endless array of possible routines awaits you. Weight training does not have to become stale. Starting out, though, you’ll need to focus on how to properly execute the exercises. Learning proper techniques will maximize your results (as seen in the mirror) and will prevent injury.

Hey, that wasn’t so bad, was it? The mystery of these basic weight training words should now be history to you. So now that you can talk the talk, it’s time to walk the walk. Start out slowly with your bodybuilding regime. Eat healthy, get a decent amount of sleep at night, and leave a minimum of a full day between workouts. Practice safe bodybuilding habits now to prevent injuries from occurring later on.

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