Terrell Owens: Parcells and Cowboys, You Were Warned

We’ve all heard the recent antics of the so-called “reformed” Terrell Owens, the same person who claimed that his showboating days were over when he signed with the Dallas Cowboys over the offseason. We know that he didn’t practice for about two weeks, much less play in any preseason games, and have taken all the attention away from the team to the sidelines. His only progress; he’ apparently gearing up for the next Tour de France while wearing the Discovery Channel jersey. Even though Bill Parcells hasn’t said it yet he has to be fed up with his newest problem child. While everyone in Dallas is wondering just what happened Philadelphia, Baltimore (for about a week) and San Francisco have four words for the Lone Star State: I Told You So.
Terrell has to be the only football player in the league’s history to wear out his welcome faster than anyone else just by opening his mouth (or shutting it when he should say something), celebrating his touchdowns by offending everyone in sight and not seeing that this kind of conduct should’ve been left behind in high school. Some may argue that his stay with the 49ers couldn’t have been as bad as everyone thought since he was with the team for eight years. I’ll agree with everyone that, on the field, no receiver came close to his natural ability. He’s fast as lightning but he’s also strong as a linebacker but that’s where the praise ends for him. His celebration at Texas Stadium on the Cowboys’ star on the 50 yard line, commandeering a Niners ‘cheerleaders’ pom-poms and signing a football for his financial consultant on the field made him a nuisance to everyone else. Things went south with his own team as soon as they went into rebuilding mode. After challenging Jeff Garcia’s leadership on and off the field and voicing his displeasure at the entire organization they wanted him to return to San FranciscoâÂ?¦in a different uniform.
They tried to make him a Baltimore Raven but he thought the Ravens weren’t worthy and pulled an Eli Manning, which landed him with the Philadelphia Eagles. He continued to taunt opponents, including his “former” teammate Ray Lewis, and disgust fans by tearing down signs that made fun of him. For someone who’s big on self-expression he didn’t like that the fans in Cleveland proclaimed that “T.O. has B.O.” Granted that he redeemed himself at Super Bowl XXXIX when he recovered after a broken leg and played the game of his life but we all should’ve seen what was coming with a performance that amazing. First he complained that his quarterback Donovan McNabb was tired near the end of the game, which messed everything up for them. Then at training camp he demanded more money in addition to the $49 million dollars he was already set up to receive, held out of said camp until his new contract was pushed through and, to make matters worse, he was suspended for two weeks for arguing with head coach Andy Reid. He only lasted seven games when he was suspended for four games which eventually turned into Owens being deactivated from the active roster for the rest of the season. To be fair if you said that Brett Farve is better than your quarterback, wearing a Cowboys jersey when you’re not part of the team and fought with the team’s ambassador (i.e. Hugh Douglas) you would be out of a job too.
Then he signed with the Cowboys this past March where he told the fans to “get ready for a show.” Well this smells like a rerun to me and I’m tired of it. He hasn’t learned much of anything and he told reporters to look back on his past to see how he’ll perform this season. He should really think before he speaks up ever again. I’d rather watch the Bills get hammered every week than see Terrell run to the Eagle’s 50-yard line and disrespect another crowd. For Pete’s sake he was called a “selfish jerk” on national television by a respected analyst. If even the most professional person calls you a jerk then maybe it’s time to change or hang it up. Owens is a great athlete but a bad teammate, period.