Texas Travels, a Guide to Texas Greyhound Racing

It’s been said, everything is big in Texas. When it comes to spectator sports, this is certainly true in the world of Greyhound dog racing and evidenced by the flourishment of wagering and purses within the sport. With the involvement of the Texas Greyhound Association, the history, beauty and economic impact of this spectator sport is preserved.

The Texas Greyhound Association was officially registered in Texas in 1987 when pari-mutuel racing was approved by the Texas Legislature. The TGA works among, and within, a variety of groups including dog breeders, owners, track management, kennels, adoption groups and the Texas Racing Commission, all with a common goal to improve the quality of life for greyhounds. The TGA works to level the playing field of greyhound dog racing when compared with racing among other jurisdictions and other various types of wagering spectator sports within Texas, such as horse racing.

With origins dating back as many as 4000 years ago, greyhounds were first used in racing competition in England by English nobility. The greyhound debut is believed to have first occurred in the text of the Holy Scriptures and are considered highly regarded by the Middle East and European cultures with some believing the birth of a greyhound is 2nd only to the birth of a son. Greyhounds are noted to have made their debut in the United States in the 1800s when farmers found they provided the necessary farming assistance in controlling jackrabbits. Following their introduction into the United States, Greyhound racing quickly became not only a competitive spectator sport but a sport involving wagering with proliferation in the state of Texas.

In an terms of an impact on society, greyhound racing provides for a substantial impact through veterinarian services, feed production, real estate purchases, farming equipment and employment opportunities. With three significant locations in Texas, greyhound racing represents one half of a million dollars in investment funds and is the sixth largest spectator sport in the United States. At present, only 17 states permit greyhound racing with two additional states allowing for gambling via simulcast wagering. With this information, it is quite easy to understand how the greyhound racing phenomenom has grown in Texas.

When traveling to and through Texas, visit one of the three beautiful locations, each offering its own unique services for wagering of all levels and providing 13 races per evening. Locations are as follows:

Corpus Christi
Racing offered: Wed – Sun

Racing offered: Wed – Sun

Racing offered: Tues – Sun

Although all three locations are ideal for greyhound dog racing, the location in LaMarque, Texas, is considered the premier location with attendance more than double of that in the other two locations. For more information on greyhound racing in Texas, visit the Texas Greyhound Association at www.texasgreyhoundassociation.com.

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