Texas Work Injury -An Examination of the Designated Doctor Process and Employee Based Disputes

Thousands of Texans each year sustain work related injuries requiring extensive treatment and, ultimately, may lead to the assement of some form of permanent disability. When suffering from a work related injury, in Texas, employees must first understand the method to which permanent impairment is calculated and the strategic method to dispute such a rating, if needed.

Work injuries leave employees feeling anxious and confused. Anxious about job security, confusion in medical and indemnity benefit determination and then the ultimate showdown in resolving and reaching a final permanent impairment rating, if impairment exists. All too often, impairment ratings, by Texas Workers’ Compensation physicians, are inaccurate. In an effort to resolve the level of inconsistencies, the Texas Workers’ Compensation program developed a panel of physicians known as Designated Doctors. When dispute regarding permanent impairment exists, the employee may file the form xxx to request examination by a Commission selected Designated Doctor.

Upon receipt of the appointment notification, the employee must appear to the Designated Doctor’s examination. To ensure the optimal outcome of the examatinion, Texas injured employee should bring all pertinent work related injury medical records, including diagnostic results such as x-rays, MRIs and CT scans. This information will be necessary to assist the Designated Doctor in reaching an accurate permanent impairment rating.

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