The 5 Best Summer Relationship Books

With an endless amount of online dating sites, matchmaking services and even quite a number of reality television series (Average Joe, The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, etc.), why is it that so many people either can’t find love or have a hard time once they get there? Getting there seems to be easier today than in days gone by, but still the proverbial question is, Ã?¯Ã?¿Ã?½What do I do now that I have a date?”
Amazingly enough, even those people who seem confident with an endless amount of dating potential and prospective dates, still get the summer blues. So how do you jump into the dating pool and begin to swim again?
Unlike swimming in a pool filled with water, don’t dive into the deep end of the dating pool first, even if you remember how to swim. There may be sharks lurking, waiting to attack. It’s always best if you start in the shallow end of the pool.
For the real-deal about how to swim and win at the game of love, here are the top 5 best resources for those preparing for a summer romance.
1. #1 Best Seller, Winning Points With The Woman In Your Life One Touchdown at a Time by Jaci Rae (Simon and Schuster)
2. Understanding Women by Romy Miller (Book Factory)
3. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray (Harper)
4. Friendship Factor by Alan Loy McGinnis (Augsburg Fortress Publishers)
5. The Language of Love by Gary Smalley and John Trent (Focus on the Family)
With springtime in full bloom and summer romance around the corner, it’s time to freshen up your dating closet and learn the rules of the game. Engaging in that first conversation to the first date and on to the first kiss can be an intimidating time. Just as you wouldn’t step into an investment firm without a little knowledge of where your money was going and how best to utilize it, you shouldn’t step into the dating field with a coach and some assistance.
Whether you’re are a seasoned veteran that swims all year round, or someone who is taking their first dip, everyone needs the right information to pave the way to where you want to be. Review by Albert Garcia
* All books available at, and