The Aiken Triple Crown

The events begin with the Thoroughbred racing aka The Aiken Trials. Second is the Steeplechase which is a part of the steeplechase professional circuit and finally the sport of kings, the Round-robin Polo matches.
Thousands�¯�¿�½come to Aiken for these events that showcase the finest and fastest of horses and those who have a love for the sport. Aiken is one of the most important equine training centers in the country. Bearing this out is the Thorougbred Hall of Fame and Museum �¯�¿�½where you will find displays of memories from the stables that bred and trained many fine horses.
Aiken is well known for it’s equine interests, therefore, it brings not only the horse events but also the horse artists. You will find many fine works of equine art in and around Aiken galleries including paintings, jewelry, textiles, and many more. Also you will find many wonderful and well qualified equine and large animal veterinarians.
Many people here rent there homes out to the horse jockies and trainers making them feel at home and also giving them easy access to their horses. There are many stables and training tracks in Aiken that can be used by locals and out of towners.
Aiken’s horse culture lends a beauty to our city that is appreciated by one and all. The life sized horse stautes situated in different areas of Aiken are neat additions to this horsey town. They were auctioned to the highest bidder and then the winners share them with the rest of us.
Springtime in the south is a beautiful time to visit Aiken. Well known for it’s flowering trees, including the dogwood and the flowering shrubs named azaleas. Landscaping is prime here with so many golf courses and the gated neighborhoods that border those courses.Ã?¯Ã?¿Ã?½
The world class and world famous Masters Golf Tournament is�¯�¿�½20 minutes away from Aiken in Augusta, Georgia just over the Savannah River which is a state line for the two states.�¯�¿�½ The Masters is always played in the spring�¯�¿�½ when the schools are on their spring break.
There is always room at the inn in Aiken and Augusta. The Willcox Inn in Aiken at the corner of Colleton Avenue and Whiskey Road is well known for its’ leisurely atmosphere and excellent cuisine. They say FDR has visited the Willcox, riding his train car into town.Ã?¯Ã?¿Ã?½ Contact them for rates and reservations at telephone number 803-648-1898 or toll free 877-648-2200.
Downtown Aiken has many cafes, art galleries and in the spring the community gathers for the annual Lobster Races held downtown in May. Beach music and good food add to the fun.�¯�¿�½
Aiken is nicknamed “Thoroughbred Country” with good reason. Winners are bred here. Horses too. See you real soon.