The American Diabetes Association Provides Research, Information and Advocacy

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) is the nation’s leading nonprofit health organization providing diabetes research, information and advocacy. Founded in 1940, the ADA conducts programs in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, reaching more than 800 communities.

According to the ADA, it is estimated that 18.2 million American (or 6.3% of the populations) have diabetes. While approximately 13 million have been diagnosed, unfortunately 5.2 million people are not aware that they have the disease.

ADA focuses their efforts on Research, Information and Advocacy. 1-800 DIABETES (1800-342-2383) the Association’s toll free National Call Center, provides valuable and timely information about the diabetes, care and personal support, as well as local information for people seeking diabetes resources.

Or visit their website Some of the fundraising events provide corporations, school groups and families the opportunity to support their mission:

American Walk for Diabetes, 5 mile, family walk is held early fall in more than 250 cities and attracts more than 4,000 walkers.

Tour De Cure, Usually occurring in June, this event is the largest cycling event for diabetes in the country.
School Walk for Diabetes -an educational fund raising event for k-6th grade.
A Care to Cure Sunday brunch benefiting ADA’s summer camp programs for children with diabetes.

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