The Annex Tuxedo Shop: Styles, Sizes and Shapes for Everyone in New York City

The Annex shop in New York City is one of the greatest places I have been to for suits and tuxedos. They sell all kinds of men’s clothing and they specialize in selling tuxedos. Here is my review of the store:


The Annex shop has great staff and someone always greets you at the door when you walk in. If you are standing around for looking for something, a saleman will walk over to you right away to ask if you need help. The salesmen all are experienced tailors with years working in the business. They know your exactly waist size and length even before they take your exact size mesurements with a measuring tape. They help you find the section you are looking for. You can also tell the salesmen what type of suit you are looking for such as double breasted, 3 pieces suit etc. Also, don’t be afraid to tell them the suit range price you are looking for. They understand that tuxedos can be expensive and not everyone can afford the most expensive the store has to offer.


Tuxedo Rentals are not that expensive but aren’t the cheapest either. They give you a fair price on the suit and don’t over charge you. Tuxedo Rentals range form $150 to $300 and up depending on how fancy and which brand name you choose. The prices allow you to usually rent the suit for 3 days; one day before your event, the day of, and the day after your event before the tux is due back in the store.

Stlyes and Sizes:

The Annex shop is known throughout New York City for having one of the biggest selection in tuxedos. They have all sizes, even irregualar sizes like extra thin and tall, and special stlyes like full buttoned or the vest button look. Colors range mainly form blue to black but they do have some striped tuxes and special colors like white.

When you think you have decided on a suit to wear, the salesman will help you fit yourself with the suit and stand you in front of a tall full length mirror to see how you look. When you rent it you will be given an entire bag with a reciept of when it is due back.

I have had a lot of experience shopping at the Annex shop and I have found them to be reasonably priced and very helpful. You can look up their store locations online in New York City.

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