The Benefits of Babywearing

Babywearing is a term coined by famed pediatrician, Dr. William Sears. However, it is an ancient tradition. “Wearing” your baby means to carry him as much as possible in a sling or carrier. This is intended to provide as much physical contact between baby and caregiver as possible. This close contact is condoned by Dr. Sears and other “Attchment Parents”, the world over.

It is proposed that carrying or wearing your baby as much as possible provides endless benefits. The baby spends nine months in the womb, confined and cozy, listening to the soothing rhythms of their mother’s heartbeat. That is why babies enjoy to be swaddled. Even better than swaddling is recreating the nurturing womb environment by keeping baby close to his mother or father’s body.

Babies are too young to benefit from independence. Attachment parenting, a philosophy also made famous by Dr. Sears, proposes that by providing a close physical relationship with a young child, the child will in turn become a more independent adult. The theory suggests that an infant that has all of his needs quickly met will thrive by knowing that he is loved and respected. This sense of well-being will lead to a more well-adjusted personality.

Studies show that babies who are worn cry less, remain calmer and happier, nurse easier, digest their food better, and gain weight more steadily than children who are not. The physical and the mental health of a child thrives from it. Ancient civilizations carried out the practice of babywearing in societies all over the world. Evidence suggests that this wasn’t just for convenience, but for the benefit of the infant.

Babywearing also benefits those who are doing the wearing. Mothers find it is easier to establish good nursing habits and close bonds with their baby by keeping them close. Fathers, in turn, can make up for any lack of physical bond between them. After all, it was mother who bore the child and mother who nurses- wearing the baby is a great way for Dad to bond as well! Also, studies show that a person who wears their baby remains calmer, maintains a healthier blood pressure and pulse, and sleeps steadier at night.

Babywearing benefits all parties and luckily, there are many products available in support of the practice. A sling is a soft fabric that wraps around the body and shoulder, to provide a natural, womblike environment. There are many different styles, colors, and brands of slings available. Baby carriers are also popular and can even come in a backpack style for older babies. Some babies prefer one to the other, so it is good to experiment with different ways to wear baby. The Internet can be an invaluable resource for purchasing babywearing products.

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