The Benefits of Fluoride

As a typical sophomore at Oregon State, I didn’t know a thing. Couldn’t even pretend to know. But I smiled well. Anyway, I saw a movie then, still a favorite – “Dr. Strangelove; Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Bomb.”
The Sterling Hayden character, Colonel Ripper, speaking to Peter Sellers’ Captain Mandrake, tells him of the dangers of fluoride: “Have you ever heard of a thing called fluoridation … fluoridation of water? … Do you realize that fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous … plot that we’ve ever had to face?
“Do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, there are studies underway to fluoridate … flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk, ice cream? … You know when fluoridation first began? Nineteen hundred and forty-six. … It’s incredibly obvious, isn’t it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual, certainly without any choice….”
Now, I was typical of everybody at the time, I suppose – just dismissed it all as the ravings of the lunatic character Hayden was playing. But it was all true.
We make a lot of aluminum in this country, always have. One byproduct of this manufacturing process is a fluoride compound. Can’t just pour that into the river, though – that’s a no-no. The trick was, to get past that little EPA glitch and find a way to dispose of this dangerous waste product.
Eureka!, they must have thought: let’s convince people it’s good for them, even make them pay for it!
Artificial science to the rescue. Based on inconclusive tests and manufactured findings, fluoride was given the official seal of approval. Those inconvenient mountains of waste product could now be disposed of with impunity. And they’d be worth their weight in gold to all who shared in the deception, for the costs of proper disposal were also mountainous.
But this was troubling to those few men of science who were not so easily bought, men of conscience. One such man is William Marcus. As toxicologist for the EPA, Marcus knew of the dangers of fluoride and the deception which kept it in use. He knew what Dr. Gary Null and Dr. David Kennedy also know – that fluoride is a fraud on the public, for it is a known insecticide and pesticide … rat poison.
Over 230 scientific studies now confirm that even in small amounts of only one or two parts per million, fluoride is known to cause cancer, genetic defects, chromosome damage, skeletal and dental fluorosis. Thirty-five thousand deaths a year can now be linked to fluoride poisoning.
All this was troubling to William Marcus, whose conscience could not abide such wholesale destruction of the national health. He knew that because of fluorosis, our bones and teeth lose mass and get weaker, inviting easy fracture. Our liver and kidneys and other organs are insidiously attacked. America now leads the world in fractured hips, per capita.
It was troubling, indeed, to Marcus. His superiors knew such a pesky conscience could upset the whole gravy train. He was a loose cannon. They fired him. William Marcus sued them in court. He won, and got his job back at the EPA, with full restitution of authority and damages for their criminal collusion against him.
Corroboration of all this can be found with a simple FOIA request on “fluorosis,” or you can visit the informative website at, regarding “The Fluoridation Fiasco.” Armed with these findings, one must naturally be led to understand that such a government-sponsored fraud on the consumer is tantamount to grievous bodily harm and an obvious benefit only to those who profit by the poison of fluoride.
Still unconvinced? Take a look at your toothpaste tube: “In case of accidental ingestion, contact a poison control center immediately.”
Good morning.