The Best Bodybuilding Exercises, From Squats to Military Press

If you pick up any bodybuilding book or magazine, you can find a mind boggling number of exercises for each part of the body. However, not all exercises are created equal, and some are much more effective than others, not just for working a particular bodypart, but for overall muscular growth throughout the body.

The squat is considered the king of exercises, and with good reason. It not only works the legs, but virtually every muscle in the body is used, for lifting the weight, or for stabilization. Plus, when large muscles are worked heavily , and briefly, growth hormone is released. There are many variations of the squat, but the barbell back squat is the best. However, if this is not possible, hack squats can be done on a machine, and now they have leverage machines for doing back squats as well. I have one of these, and they give you a killer leg workout, without the safety concerns. Front squats are also very effective, and can often be done without the back pain that the regular squat can cause.

The deadlift is another exercise that works the majority of muscles in the body, and one of my favorites. You can work up to some massive poundages with this one, but proper form must be observed, as with the squat. There are a couple of variations of this exercise, the traditional powerlifting style, with the hands outside the legs, and the sumo style, with the hands inside the legs. Both are very effective. Lifting straps are a necessity with this exercise, because your hands will give out before the much more powerful back muscles.

Barbell or T-bar rows, are also very effective mass builders, mostly for the back muscles. I prefer t-bar rows, because it’s easier to get yourself in the proper position, and maintain it, but either one is great. Lifting straps are again necessary, because the hands will give out before the back muscles are properly worked.

The incline bench press is the most effective mass builder for the upper body, in my opinion. The flat bench press is mostly for ego, and if you’re not going to do powerlifting, should be done much less frequently than the incline press. You’ll need a bench that will go to a low incline for this one, because if the incline is too steep, you’ll be working mostly deltoids. the incline press will work the entire pectoral area, as well as the upper back muscles, and the front deltoids.

Nothing beats the military press with dumbells, for building pure mass in the shoulders, but the exercise must be controlled. Using dumbells, rather than a bar, allows the arms to be pulled back further in the press, working the side deltoids, as well as the front deltoids. Also, the use of dumbells, means that both sides of the body will be worked equally, leading to more balanced growth.

If the above exercises are done heavy , twice or three times a week, you will see some real results. I know there’s no arm exercises listed here, but the biceps are worked heavily on back day, and the triceps on chest and shoulder day. the above exercises represent the best use of your time, and should be the core of your program.

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