The Best Cereals for Dieters

If you’ve taken a stroll down the cereal aisle at your local grocery store, you already know the endless options you are faced with as a shopper. For those who are watching their weight, some cereals are better than others. But, just because you’re trying to lose a few pounds, doesn’t mean you want to eat cardboard. These are my top 5 picks for tasty dieter’s cereals.

#5-Frosted Bite-size mini-wheats (Kellogg’s): One bowl of this cereal provides 25% daily value of fiber, and these mini-wheats are frosted enough to keep your sweet tooth satisfied. Although one serving provides nearly 185 calories, the fiber will keep you full until lunchtime.

#4-GoLean (Kashi): With only 140 calories and 10 grams of fiber per serving (3/4 cup), this cereal is the dieter’s dream. This food also only has only 1 gram of fat and none of the saturated kind. Unfortunatly the taste may be a little bland for some. If this is the case, try GoLean Crunch, which has more calories, but also more flavor.

#3- Special K Red Berries (Kellogg’s): Although it isn’t made with whole grains, and has only one gram of fiber per serving, this cereal has only 110 calories per cup with no fat, which means you can indulge in a little bit more than some more calorie dense options. The strawberries add good flavor once they get soaked in milk. WARNING:I don’t recommend eating this cereal dry, due to freeze dried fruits.

#2-Cheerios (General Mills): This classic breakfast cereal is still one of the best picks. Made with whole grains, one serving of a cup counts 110 calories with 3 grams of filling fiber. The best part, only 1 gram of sugar per cup! Feel free to sprinkle some sugar substitues on for a no calorie kick of sweetness if the bland taste isn’t enough for you.

#1-Heart to Heart (Kashi): My favorite cereal, finds perfect middle ground between great taste and healthy eating. Only 110 calories and 6g fiber in 3/4 of a cup, this cereal is filled with 5 grams of fiber thanks to kashi’s blend of 7 whole grains. This ceral is even great without milk for healthy snacking anytime of the day.

The saying is true, Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Studies show that eating a healthy breakfast not only kicks the metabolism into gear, but people who eat breakfast are less likely to overeat throughout the day. So rise and shine, AND EAT SOMETHING!

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