The Best Cooking and Food Blogs
Written by Tom Dowdy who loves butter and loves cooking. He shares his cooking disasters and cooking successes , recommends books, explores candy making and French recipes and talks about his food related experiences. An entertaining read for anyone who enjoys cooking. Lots of pictures too.
Simply Recipes
Written by Elise Bauer of San Francisco who started writing down her favorite and family recipes. Her recipes mostly use whole food ingredients and only sometimes canned or prepared food items are used. She believes in “a varied, healthy diet, using real butter, real cream, eggs, and protein from meat, fish, and cheese.”
This blog is wonderfully organized by categories of food, and also contains exquisite pictures. She also has an notification system if you subscribe to her email, which lets you know when a new posting is up.
Domestic Diva
Written by a 30 year old newlywed who says she is tired of eating frozen and prepackaged meal mixes. She blogs her meal planning and recipe testing and provides nutritional information which each recipe, which she often gets from other sources and credits the source. She notes observations about the cooking process after she has tried making the item.
Diary Of A Food Whore
Self described as “The daily musings of a catering business/restaurant owner. and a “person who makes food for the cash” – The Food Whore.
Some fun recipes and recipe titles like Collard Greens – Food Whore Style, includes a food quote of the day, menus and a lot of commentary about the people they meet and dine with. Strongly opinionated and likes to judge food situations.
What The Hell Does A Vegan Eat Anyway?
A great collection of vegan and vegetarian recipes. Written by someone named tofu who says they write “A simple vegan blog about what we eat everyday. This blog came together because once people know we’re vegan, the first question we get asked is…What The Hell Does A Vegan Eat Anyway?”
Contains lovely food pictures and the blog writer experiments with numerous vegetable combinations and cooking techniques.
Dead Man Eating Weblog
A twisted look into the last meal of people on death row. It may not be a good source for recipes, but it will satisfy your curiosity of what convicts think is the best meal ever. The last meal is accompanied with notes of the history of the crime and the trial.
Cheap Cooking
Chronicles of a Curious Cook
it first started here
then recently continued and moved to here
Written by Ellen Ferlazzo who experiments with inexpensive ingredients and sometimes exotic and ethnic dishes. From marinades to sauce and salsa and blueberry pancakes, she gives a true meaning to variety is the spice of life.
What I Cooked Last Night
written by kitchen hand, a person who says they may not understand something, but they do know what they cooked last night. This blog started in 2003 and is written with a combination of wit, sarcasm, and some poetic observations coupled with what they cooked last night.
Confessions Of A Food Nazi
Written by a person in Melbourne Australia who describes herself as an outspoken female: irreverent, geriatric gen x-er who likes to rant and cook. Loaded with pictures and healthy and simple cooking ideas.
The Everyday Gourmet
Half diary of her life mixed with cooking ideas and her struggles with weight watchers, it is a voyeuristic view into someone’s food life with some interesting takes on grocery products.
Food Nerd
Pursuing quality gastronomical endeavors for the general good
This person eats out a LOT! They chronicle the food they ordered and how bad or good it was. They take pictures and having a sense of humor will sometimes show you their leftovers from their doggie bag. They are passionate about their evaluations of food consumed. Entertaining.