The Best Deals on Vehicles in North Brunswick NJ

If you are not in the mood for a Toyota then how about a Ford. The Malouf Ford is worth a visit. They are located at 2210 US Hwy 1, North Brunswick NJ 08902. Their contact number is 732-951-0300. They have a lot of variety to choose from. There are three stores located within 2 miles of each other. There have been several recalls on Ford vehicles so you should make sure that you thoroughly research any of their vehicles before you buy it. Their business hours are Monday through Friday 9am-9pm, and Saturday 9am-4pm. They also offer service for your vehicle. I personally like to shop here for SUV’s they have a very nice variety to choose from.
Or maybe you would prefer the very popular Saturn. They are located at 1500 US Hwy 1, North Brunswick NJ 08902. Their telephone number is 732-418-1888. One of the newest and hottest items from Saturn for 2006 is the VUE. It has a whole new look, and even better feel. Once you take this care for a test drive you will definitely want to buy. If you like last year’s model you should give this one a try too. Their hours of operation are Monday-Saturday 9am-9pm. The staff is great. Most of their vehicles come with a warrantee; even some of the used ones still have warrantees on them
North Brunswick offers great local auto shopping. Most of the dealerships are located one right after the other, which is great if you want to compare vehicles. Make sure however, that you do your homework before you go to the car dealership. You should already have in mind what you plan on buying, or at least have your choices narrowed down to your top three picks. This will help make shopping much easier. All of the dealerships listed above offer great deals and incentives. All of the employees are very helpful and professional, and will answer all of your questions. I would recommend for anyone who wants to buy a vehicle and save a few dollars, now is the time to shop. Most dealers have excellent incentives on the 2005 models.