The Best Halloween Hangouts

Below you will find a list of the best places to have fun this Halloween, assuming you’re not too scared!

1. Farnsworth House; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania- It is said to be haunted, it offers 5 haunted room and many non-haunted rooms to choose from. Ghosts are said to frequent this now bed and breakfast, including footsteps and voices.

2. The Mutter Museum; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania- It is a museum filled with facts and visuals on plagues, diseases, and ancient medical procedures. It has on display actual human body parts ravaged with diseases and examples of what some will do to the body. This museum even includes actual preserved body and body parts. Definitely not for the faint of heart or those who are prone to nausea.

3. Hotel Monte Vista; Flagstaff, Arizona- This hotel is said to be haunted by a murdered bank robber, a woman, a man, as well as other ghosts. There have been reports of coughing sounds, televisions being turned on and off, and bed linens being stripped, among other things.

4. Holly Hill House; Port Townsend, Washington- This now bed and breakfast is said to be haunted by a man in old fashioned clothes. Piano music has also been heard (no piano is on the premises) and cigar smoke smelled.

5. Catfish Plantation Restaurant; Waxahachie, Texas-A Cajun restaurant said to be haunted by at least 3 ghosts. Reports have included silverware moving, locked doors, toilets flushing, piano playing, and more.

6. The Crescent Hotel; Eureka Springs, Arkansas-It is unknown if there are many ghosts or one ghost here. People have been said to hear doors slam, hear strange sounds, and be shaken awake at night.

7. Woodland Plantation; Moundville Alabama- No one knows who the ghost is that haunts this inn but they have lights go on and off, pieces of furniture moved, and pictures taken off the wall.

8. Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast; Fall River, Massachusetts- Everyone knows about the famous Lizzie Borden murder. She was accused of murdering her father and stepmother with a hatchet in the house. The house is under construction to reconstruct the way it was during the murders. Many things have been said to be heard, including doors that open and shut and footsteps.

9. Beardslee Castle; Little Falls, New York- Many ghosts have been seen here and visitors have said to hear and see, tables that are set, dishes shattering, doors that open and close, and more.

10. Norwich Inn; Norwich, Vermont- Many people have seen a women in a long black skirt. Others have seen rocking chairs move as if there was someone rocking in it, toilets flush by themselves, and faucets turn on and off.

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