The Best Information Sites for the Handicapped

Information for the handicapped is plentiful online but you have to know where to look. Help for those with disabilities include information, discounts, local services and more. No matter what your disability or handicap there’s a site for you. One resource for any disability is the county Department of Social Services. Put your county name and “DSS” or “Department of Social Services” into the search engine to discover what all services are available in your area.

You can also find help locally by searching for “transportation” + “disability” + “your city” or “ride for the handicapped”. Many cities have a bus shuttle service that will gather disabled citizens and take them to pay bills, visit the doctor and do minor shopping. There are other places, such as Meals on Wheels, that will come to your home with a hot meal, once a day. There’s also places that check in on the disabled and elderly to help them with cooking or chores. Find these places by typing in “disability” + “assistance” + “your city”. Or, specifically, “transportation” + “disabled” + “your city”.

Online resources are often taken advantage of offline but they provide the information needed for those with disabilities to locate the particular service in their area. Online the listings usually cover specific handicaps but there are some web sites that offer help for those with any disability:

There are many federally-operated programs for the disabled. Find a list here:

For info on the rights of those with disabilities, whether in your state or country, go to or

A great website to visit for info on services, jobs, and issues on participating in mainstream society, go to

Whether you’re handicapped, or the caretaker of someone that is, you’ll find what you’re looking for at They have forums, lively debates, help resources for caretakers, along with a wealth of disability information.

Care givers for the disabled include children, parents, siblings and volunteers. Each can find help by visiting where the entire website is dedicated to those who provide endless care for the disabled.

For disabled persons who are also parents is a wonderful website geared toward parents with disabilities and their children.

Students who are disabled are especially challenged. Find information on education and job seeking at

The International Center for Disability Resources, at , offers a “Browse Aloud” feature for the visually impaired, along with info for the visually impaired, hearing impaired, physically disabled, learning disabled and mentally challenged.

Specific disabilities:

Visually Impaired:

For those with a visual handicap check out featuring a visual aids store and a discussion list.

Here’s a tool that allows those with a visual handicap to read any document:

To find a list of organizations for the blind go to

The National Federation of the Blind, at is a huge resource spot for visually impaired persons in the U.S.

The American Foundation for the blind is a non-profit organization that has been helping the visually impaired set and reach goals for many years.

Children who are visually impaired can find resources here:

Braille Library Web Sites:

Hearing Impaired:

Find literally hundreds of resources at where deafness information, clubs and organizations, and help centers galore.

At there are listings for schools dedicated to the deaf, newsletters and publications, sign language info and much more.

Another great site is with plenty of resources about hearing loss and other help centers.

There are plenty of other resources at so have a look around.

Physically Handicapped:

No matter what your handicap, you’ll find help and info at

Are you physically disabled, love to travel, but find it hard to do in a wheelchair? Check out where you’ll find loads of info about tours, home exchanges while vacationing, travel companions and so much more.

You’ll find more travel help at where they offer tons of help for those in wheelchairs.

At you’ll find articles about physical handicaps, message boards, chat rooms, links to other helpful sites and even a calendar of future events.

Learning Disability:

Wanting to know more about learning disorders such as ADHD, dyslexia and attention deficit? Go to where you’ll find info for parents and teachers as well as resources for finding experts to help.

I-Can is another helpful website where you can find info for the disabled on travel, employment, relationships and advocacy:

Mental Disability:

The mentally challenged can find all sorts of help in their home community as well as online. Check with your local Social Services for schools, job training, care homes, and resource centers. Also go online at for a list of advanced schools and colleges that accept the mentally handicapped.

Another interesting site is found at This site is geared towards the mentally handicapped of high school age.

The National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped, at is dedicated to helping the mentally handicapped, and their caretakers, find info on employment, sports, education and social issues.

If you’re handicapped, or know someone who is, there are plenty of organizations offering services and information. Look online for specific things like “travel”, “vocations”, “employment” and other keywords for the help you need. It’s there if you just look.

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