The Best Online Sites for Moms

Cooking, cleaning, working, shopping, dealing with teen anger, trying to stick to a budget – moms are very busy. It falls on moms to be teacher, friend, boss, maid, and many other roles, but for most moms, it’s a great job. But, sometimes we all need help, new recipes, or just an inspirational story to get us through a rough day. Online you’ll find all that and more if you visit some of these sites.

Oxygen is a very popular site where moms go to read about medical topics, health issues, teen tips, and inspirational stories. It’s a fabulous site where many mothers go to read about the challenges of other moms or get ideas on how to deal with their own. If you’re a mom, you’ll love this site.

Interested in being more than just a mom? Join a moms’ club where you and your children can go and meet others. The site lists local chapters where meetings are in real-time. Find out more:

If you’re a work-at-home mom you’ll find Moms Network to be a very helpful site. They have a listing of possible jobs for work-at-home moms, ideas for promoting your existing business, online resources, and much more. See more at:

Always hoping to cut back on working hours and spend more time with your kids? You’ll find some great ideas on how to do just that when you visit

Is your husband in the service? You’ll find support, encouragement, friendship and fun at They’ve got a message board, chat room, gift shop, e-greetings, and a wealth of information concerning all sorts of military issues.

At Amazing Moms you’ll find birthday party ideas, kids crafts, family fun suggestions, holiday decorating tips, recipes and even more. You’ll love this site when the kids are bored.

Want to share a story about your child? About being a mom in general? Maybe you’d just like to read how others are handling raising kids? You’ll find many touching, funny and inspirational stories at

If you’re a mom who is upset with sex and violence on television, let the media know how you feel about it. Take action, write emails, read testimonials or just see how the project works to help you and your children have decent programming to watch:

Looking for a playmate for your child or a friend for yourself? Find both at The site matches criteria, like location, ages, etc, to find playmates and their moms, in your area. You’ll get to meet new people that live close by and arrange a possible life-time friendship for your child.

Is your child active in sports? Go to for resources concerning sports safety, kids’ health and nutrition advice, and much more.

Club Mom is a unique place where moms can write advice and tips for others, but also find beauty and style articles or hobbies and crafts. The site is huge and offers “points” for doing various things online. The points can be used at their gift shop where moms can buy desired items for themselves, friends or home.

Frugality tips:

Traveling moms:

Friends, fun and fitness for moms:


Catholic moms:

Mom encouragement:

Coupons, deals and bargains:

Moms whose last child has left home:

Resources for teen moms:

Parenting advice:

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