The Best Real Estate Law Firm in Queens, New York

The law firm has been around for quite a while and was started by Mr. Pennisi, a wise man with tons of years of experience in law. He has specialized in lead paint poisoning in buildings and he is responsible for starting the firm. The next partner is line is Mr. Daniels, a middle aged man who studies the full extent of real estate law and is a stickler for detail. He does thorough research on every case he handles. Finally there is Geroge Norelli, the third partner whose name is in the firm title. He is a really friendly man, willing to have a good conversation and help you with anything you need. Then there is Robert Cecere, a partner who has been with the firm for several years, one of the friendliest and nicest people you will ever meet. His brilliance is felt immediately and you could tell by hs young age that he knows what he is taling about.
It isn’t easy to be a partner in a firm at such a young age but he has accomplsihed the feat, extending the firm’s clientel and dealing with real estate closing which are his expertise. He has dealt with buyers, sellers, banks, and title agencies in representing them over the closings in a real esate deal. He explains every detail in the paper work that his clients sign so that they know what they are signing for. He also explains how much money everything will cost the person and takes them step by step along the way of buying or selling a house, co-op or condominium apartment. The last partner is Eric Tavel, a brillaint lawyer who has been a partner for a few years and works with clients on all sorts of issues.
The staff at the law firm also includes several other lawyers, paralegals and secreataries. I have known on multiple occasions clients who have called the firm just to thank the secretaries for staying ontop of the paperwork and always calling them about fees and documents they have to sign. Clients also deal with paralegals who explain the law realted concepts to them. for example, if a client has a sidewalk violation on their house, the paralegal for the attorney will work with them to resolve the matter.
The most common type of dispute that the firm handles are landlord-tennant dealings. The firm represents deveral real-estate agencies who own building with tennants in them who don’t pay their rent. Lawyers are often sent to court to resolve the dispute with the tennants and reach a settlement plan. When a dispute cannot be resolved the lawyers go before a judge to get the matter resolved. The lawyers at Pennisi, Daniels and Norelli are experts in the field of real-estate law. In one particular case, a woman claimed that she did not pay her garage rent for several months because the garage roof leaked and needed repairs. When the lawyers brought the issue before a judge, the judge sided with the law firm and made the woman not only pay the real estate agency for the garage rent but also made the woman pay for the law firm’s legal fees as well. The firm seldom loses a case in court and when they do it is over a small claim like the judge granting a continuence on a tennant paying rent.
The law office is really nice. The atmosphere is really friendly, unlike so big time law offices in Manhatten. There is a big conference room for clients to speak to attorneys and for real estate closings to take place. The law firm’s legal fees are very reasonable and are comprable to other law firms. Most people don’t realize how much work the law firm must do in getting all of the neccesary documents together like the loans from the bank, the escrole and certified checks from the clients and the title deeds needed to buy or sell real esate.
My internship was a great experience for me. I got to see one of the best real-estate law firms in action and see how well they treated their clients on a daily basis. If you need legal assitance in buying or selling real estate or are having a case being heard in court, feel free to contact them in New York City. You can get more information on the web at