The Best Type of Weatherstripping to Use

With the ever rising costs of heating and cooling a home, more and more people are turning to weatherstripping to maintain the temperature of their homes and reduce utility costs. At least 15% of the energy used to heat or cool your home is wasted through drafty doors and windows. And, if there are lots of air leaks, even more energy is just wasted.

Weatherstripping is the easiest and cheapest way to help seal your doors and windows and prevent heat and cool air from escaping. It’s very easy to apply and comes in various sizes and types to help make your home more airtight and comfortable. And, many types are even self adhesive to make it even easier to install.

Self adhesive weatherstripping is also a great choice to use on any area that you don’t want to damage the frame work by driving nails into it. Whatever type of weatherstripping that you choose should be applied so that there is a good snug fit to prevent air leakage, but leave plenty of room to open and close windows or doors without ripping the stripping.

Foam weatherstripping is the least expensive type of insulation that you can buy. But, it’s also probably the least durable as well. Foam is easily torn and will have to be replaced more often ending up being more expensive than other types in the long run.

Another problem with foam weatherstripping is that it will quickly deteriorate when used in places that are exposed to the weather. Even sunlight can cause the foam to become hard and brittle and easily cracked. Foam doesn’t stand up well to moisture and it’s hard to get a uniform, tight seal with foam.

However, there are two main types of foam weatherstripping, PVC foam and urethane foams. Urethane foams are less costly, but they aren’t as durable and don’t stand up to the elements as well as PVC. PVC foam weatherstripping is a little more expensive, but is much more durable and will last longer.

Rubber weatherstripping is much more durable and long lasting than most types of foams, although it is a little more expensive. Rubber can hold up much better to moisture and abuse than foam can. And, it’s also generally very easy to install.

Some types of rubber or vinyl weatherstripping are rigid and provide slots that allow you to easily adjust the height of the strip providing an even better seal and increasing its durability. Rubber weatherstripping usually comes in several colors and some types are also self adhesive.


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