The Best US Gold Coins

There are a lot of U.S. gold coins out there and some are more valuable than others. Believe it or not one can get one of these coins for less than one thinks. What follows is a list of gold coins that any collector would salivate over. These coins are not only valuable but beautifully created and in most cases very rare.
Probably the very best US gold coin to have is one of the Saint-Gaudens Double Eagles (a $20 value). One can be picked up for about $1,500 nowadays and that is one of the most common ones. The cream of the crop here is the famous 1933 Saint-Gaudens Twenty Dollar piece which one just sold for over a million dollars plus change. The 1921 piece is worth a mere $325,000 in mint condition. These beautiful coins were minted from 1907 to 1933. These are beautifully made coins and being gold makes them one of the most desirable coins around.
The next best US gold coins to have are the Gold Indian Head coins which come in denominations of $2.50, $5.00, and $10.00. These coins are beautifully minted and in mint condition can carry a hefty price. The $2.50 and $5.00 pieces were minted from the years 1908 to 1929 and the $10.00 piece was minted from 1907 to 1933. The cream of the crop for the $2.50 coin is the 1911 D which is worth $100,000.00 in mint condition. The cream of the crop for the $5.00 piece is the 1909 O which is worth close to $130,000.00 in mint condition. The $10.00 coin for the year 1933 is up to $ 600,000.00 in mint condition.
The best US gold coins next to obtain are the Gold American Eagles and these are the more modern coins around. They are beautifully minted and in denominations of $5.00, $10.00, $25.00, and $50.00. These coins are the more inexpensive gold coins to collect since they go for $75.00 average for the $5.00 and $145.00 average for the $10.00. The $25.00 average is $300.00 and the average price for the $50.00 is $525.00. These are the easiest gold coins to collect as well.
Another group of US gold coins to collect are the Gold Commemoratives coins which commemorate certain actions or events or animals even that have some linkage to a state. Some of the nicer ones are the 1915 S Pan Pacific $50 Round gold piece worth in mint condition $125,000.00 and the 1915 S Pan Pacific $50 Octagonal gold piece worth in mint condition $120,000.00. There are other gold coins commemorating the Louisiana Purchase or the Lewis and Clark Expeditions which are worth several thousands of dollars. Other gold commemoratives are the more recent ones celebrating the Olympics or the World Cup Tournaments which are very easy to obtain at a low price for gold.
There are other gold coins such as the early Liberty $3.00 gold pieces to the early Coronet Coin pieces and these are beautiful coins as well but are getting rarer and pricier as the years go by especially in mint condition. These gold coins mentioned above are in my opinion the best US Gold Coins around and they are easy to obtain if one has the money and time to find them.