The Best Way to Clean Mini Blinds: In Your Bathtub

Best Way to Clean Mini Blinds: Step 1
Fill you bathtub about one-third full of lukewarm water, and add 1 cup of Pine Sol. You can substitute another cleaner (or even use dishwashing liquid), but I prefer “the power of Pine Sol.” Open the window in your bathroom for some ventilation, too.
Best Way to Clean Mini Blinds: Step 2
Release the mini blinds to full length so that all the slats are exposed, and then turn the rod to close them. Take them down from the window (most plastic mini blinds snap out easily), and carefully remove the slat-turning rod, which usually just hangs from a hook. Carry the fully extended blinds into the bathroom and place them in the bathtub. letting them sort of collapse.
Best Way to Clean Mini Blinds: Step 3
Allow them to soak for 15-20 minutes, and then return with a rag or a sponge to wipe the slats gently while submerged. Be cognizant of the string/rope, but there’s no need to be overly ginger either. Some of slats will stick together, and you won’t get all the dirt and grime yet. This just removes the “easier” dirt.
Best Way to Clean Mini Blinds: Step 4
Let the dirty water out of your bathtub, and lift up the blinds from the top, letting the excess water drip off and shaking them gently without making a mess. You now have half-cleaned, semi-wet blinds – and you need a place to hang them. Feel free to put them back in the window if you can, or hang them from some hooks elsewhere, using the space between the top slat and the “bar” from which the slats are suspended. Whatever you do, make sure they are securely hanging and that the general area is safe for water/cleaner.
Best Way to Clean Mini Blinds: Step 5
Carefully separate any stuck-together slats and make sure they’re all hanging in the same direction (“bubbled” side forward is best). Spray 409 or a similar cleaner onto a washcloth, rag, or paper towel and start at the top of the blinds, wiping each and every slat. Grip the rag in such a way that you are wiping both sides of the slat with a single stroke. Because mini blinds usually have three of four sections divided by the strings, I find it easiest to wipe all the middle outward sections first and then to finish with the shorter edges, always wiping outward. During this step, note how clean each slat is getting and rinse the rag, spray more cleaner, or use new paper towels as needed.
Best Way to Clean Mini Blinds: Step 6
All of the slats should now be clean and relatively dry. With the mini blinds back in their window, wipe down the slat-turning rod and replace it. Carefully wipe the pull cord, too, and then you’re done.
If you follow these steps to do a deep clean of grimy mini blinds in your bathtub and then keep up with your dusting and wiping on a regular basis afterward, you’ll enjoy shiny mini blinds for many months to come.