The Best Ways to Clean a Reusable Coffee Filter

Paper coffee filters might seem cheap, but add up how much they cost over the life of the machine and they are far more expensive than many people realize. It is best to look for a hot beverage maker that includes a washable filter that can be washed and used again and again. Keep it clean and handle it with care, and it will last indefinitely.

I have a washable coffee filter, and I clean it regularly to make sure that it works as it should. It looks like very fine screen material that has been highly polished. Find out how to maintain and care for reusable filters, and keep your java tasting great and the machine working properly for as long as possible.

Necessary Supplies

Soap is not required when trying to clean a washable coffee filter. A matter fact it should not be used at all. Do not use soap of any variety, even if it has been greatly diluted with water. It is extremely hard to rinse completely away, and it will end up in the next pot of coffee. It might take several cycles to get rid of the residue. However, you will need more than just hot water. To clean a washable coffee filter you will need baking soda, water and a soft bristle toothbrush.


To clean a washable filter, begin by dumping the coffee grounds into a container. They are great for the garden and well worth saving. Next, fill the kitchen sink with very warm water and two or three tablespoons of fresh baking soda. Allow the washable coffee filter to soak for several minutes. Use the soft bristle toothbrush to gently clean it inside and out while paying careful attention to the edges and grooves. Gunk tends to build up in these areas.

Rinse the washable coffee filter under running water, and allow it to dry completely before placing it back in the machine. It should always be allowed to thoroughly dry before putting it back and closing the lid. Clean it as directed at least once a week. It will work as it should, and with gentle care it will last for years on end. It might even outlast the coffee maker.

Source: Personal Experience with a Washable Coffee Filter

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