The Carefree Kitchen XHP Microfiber Duster

I’ve used Swifter Dusters, and they do a fantastic job of picking up dust, but I must admit, I don’t want to pay for replacements. I find Swifter Dusters and the replacements to be excessively priced, and I think it’s a waste to buy disposable products for cleaning. I’m not just referring to Swifter products, but to all products that require costly replacement parts and refills.

The first time I noticed an ad for disposable toilet bowl wands, I couldn’t help but think what a waste this was. Yes they’re convenient, but at what price? Using disposable cleaning tools creates a considerable amount of waste. What ever happened to good old-fashioned rags and elbow grease? Those items have always been free, and they don’t created unnecessary waste as do disposable products designed for convenience.

Something Better Than Swifter

I’m not saying I don’t like Swifter Dusters. I just think they’re a waste of money. I like convenience as much as anyone else, and fortunately I’ve found something that works just as well as Swifter and makes the task of dusting just as easy. The Carefree Kitchen XHP Microfiber Duster is a fabulous product. It does a fantastic job of picking up dust, and best of all the head of the Carefree Kitchen XHP Microfiber Duster isn’t disposable. It can be washed in the washing machine, dried in the dryer, and it can be washed and reused again and again!

What Does it Look Like?

The handle and head that holds The Carefree Kitchen XHP Microfiber Duster is completely clear, and the handle is comfortably shaped to fit the palm of the hand. When the duster is removed, this incredible dusting tool looks like a small paddle. The replaceable duster is white, exceptionally soft, and it’s trimmed with sturdy red edging. The back appears to be made from heavy-duty cotton fabric, and it’s very securely stitched. Overall, it’s a very durable duster, and although the replaceable head remains firmly in place during use, it’s really very easy to remove and replace after washing.

Replacement Heads

The Carefree Kitchen XHP Microfiber Duster also offers replacement heads for a little less than the price of a new one. Although the duster head that comes with The Carefree Kitchen XHP Microfiber Duster will last wash after wash, I keep an extra duster head on hand for those extra dusty occasions when a second duster head is required. While one duster head is in the wash I still have one I can use to battle dust bunnies all over the house.

How Well Does it Work?

I wouldn’t keep using The Carefree Kitchen XHP Microfiber Duster if all it did was save money and save our environment from unnecessary waste. I’d go back to using an ordinary rag and dusting spray, but this innovative product does a fantastic job of attracting and holding in dirt and dust. It’s thin enough to slip beneath electronic components as stereo receivers, satellite receivers, and anything else that a rag couldn’t reach. It’s also great for going over hard-to-clean mini-blinds, woodwork, baseboards, staircase railings, and furniture. The dust and dirt is securely held within the loops and fibers until it’s tossed into the wash.

How Much is this Microfiber Duster, and Where Can I Get One?

I purchased my Carefree Kitchen XHP Microfiber Duster at Wal-Mart, and it was a little less than $5.00. What a bargain! A replacement box of Swifter Dusters are about $5.00 on average. I’ve used my Carefree Kitchen XHP Microfiber Duster numerous times, and it’s still as good as new. I would have spent much more money on Swifter Duster replacements considering the number of times I’ve washed and reused my Carefree Kitchen XHP Microfiber Duster. Why keep throwing money away on disposable Swifter Dusters?

Look in the cleaning section at your local Wal-Mart next to the mops and brooms for this fabulous duster. I’m sure you’ll love The Carefree Kitchen XHP Microfiber Duster as much as I do, and in the long run you’ll save a great deal of money over Swifter Duster replacements. Give The Carefree Kitchen XHP Microfiber Duster a try, and let me know what you think!

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