The Case for Space Clearing: How to Do It, and Why to Do it Before Moving into a New Home or Office

The practice of space clearing can be found in Native American, Chinese, Celtic and other indigenous cultures the world over. The necessity for space clearing comes from the understanding that energy from a home or office’s occupants seeps into buildings and their spaces and becomes stuck. If you’ve ever walked into a room or building and immediately wanted to leave then you’ve experienced negative energy which has gotten stuck in the building. On the other hand you’ve probably visited places where you felt wonderful and happy. The truth is if wonderful and good things happen in a space, and the owners of that space regularly clean and clear it, chances are it will be somewhere you enjoy visiting. However, the opposite can also be said. If the space has housed a bickering couple who eventually divorced, or an unhappy employee, you will probably feel uncomfortable there.
Why You Should Perform a Space Clearing Prior to Occupying a New Space
Often when you move into a new apartment or home, or take a new job you are entering space that someone else has occupied before you. Most of the time you do not know who that person or people were, or what they were like, so it is best to start off before you ever move any of your own belongings into the space by doing a space clearing. This way you do not accidentally energetically taint your own belongings or expose yourself to negative energy which might have accumulated. Space clearing first is the best way to protect yourself and your belongings.
How to Perform a Space Clearing
Contrary to what you might think space clearing is relatively simple and easy. The first thing to keep in mind is that it is not necessary to go out and purchase a lot of expensive tools to perform a space clearing. In reality all you really need to perform a space clearing are the normal traditional cleaning supplies, and yourself. The first order of the day when doing a space clearing is to physically clean the space. Mop floors, vacuum rugs, dust, wipe off counters or desk tops, and wipe out drawers; anything you would normally do when you are cleaning an area. The next step in your space clearing is to open a window or door and allow fresh air to circulate throughout the room, office or home. This will go a long way towards clearing out stagnant and negative energy. Finally go into the area and where there are corners either clap your hands, ring a bell, or tap on your hand drum until the sound is clear, this is a sign that the energy is moving again, and not stuck. If you want to you can take a further step and burn sage or another purification herb and/or incense and allow the smoke to clear out any additional energy. Just be sure you leave a window open in each room or space you are clearing for the smoke to escape.
Once you’ve performed your space clearing, then you are ready to move your own belongings into the space, and there will be no residual energy from the previous owners to attach to your belongings or to affect you personally.
Space clearing is a time honored and respected tradition. While it has been forgotten by some in the hustle and bustle of our modern world, you will find as you reintegrate the practice of space clearing into your life that you are a happier and healthier person for it.