The Choices You Make

It seems to me that my friend has no idea how to make good choices concerning her life. I am very worried about her. She is very irresponsible in managing money. Her current boyfriend wants an open relationship, and she will accept whatever he wants, as long as it keeps him with her. For some reason, her self- esteem is a mess and she doesn’t think she deserves any better. Her mom, who I would have thought was her biggest fan, is continually critical of her weight. The woman is ashamed of her own daughter and absolutely refuses to recognize the efforts she is making to live a more healthy lifestyle. She is also working a minumum wage job in an attempt to achieve some level of financial independence. In the future, she wants to get her own place.
I am discouraged and frustrated. I will continue to love, support and pray for her. In all honesty, it hurts me to see her struggling in difficult situations and not be in a position to be of more help. It has taken awhile, but I realize she brought the situation upon herself. Although I care and want to protect her, she is a grown woman. She needs to live her life and make her own choices. However right or wrong those choices may seem to others.