The City of Lecce Welcome Tourists with Extended Operating Hours

The churches of San Matteo, Santa Chiara, Sant’Irene, the Basilica di Santa Croce and the Duomo of Lecce are some of the most important churches – not only in the city of Lecce, but in all the Puglia region. In this city of churches (there are at least a dozen), these are the ones that stand out. They are also – because of their antique splendor – five of the city’s churches that rarely remain open to the public. Thanks to the efforts of Rino Martini; the city of Lecce’s Marketing and Public Relations director, that is going to change. At least until the 15th of September.
The churches took on a new schedule for tourists and visitors. Currently open from 8:30 until 1:00 and from 4:30 until 8pm. The Church of Santa Croce is an exception, which will remain open until 9pm. Comments Martini, “âÂ?¦It’s a good thing not only for tourists but also for the city of LecceâÂ?¦” The city’s top five churches have undergone extensive refurbishing over the years. In particular, the church exteriors, which have taken on a pale hue due to smoke and smog, have been cleaned and returned to their original luster. “âÂ?¦These churches deserve to be seen inside and out” remarked Martini. “âÂ?¦and what better time than during the summer when so many families are visiting our wonderful cityâÂ?¦!”
According to Martini, it wasn’t just a matter of getting the city’s parishioners to agree with the extended hours. There’s an added cost involved as each church must have guards posted inside and out during the day and evening to prevent accidents or theft. And it was up to Lecce’s City Council to foot the bill. Armed guards in a church? Not so much of a stretch when you consider than in early June, a gang of youths age 13 to 17 broke into a church in the nearby town of Mesagne’ and tried to make off with several paintings and silver goblets.
That incident aside, tourists will enjoy spending time in Lecce’s Churches. In fact, there is a Church Itinerary that can be picked up at the tour office located in the Piazza di Sant’ Oronzo which provides a brief history on each Church and its importance to the Puglia Region. Adds Martini, “âÂ?¦you can easily spend a day looking at our churches, which can almost be considered works of art. Thanks to the extensive restoration, visitors can really appreciate the work and detail that went into the elaborate sculptures that appear inside and out.
A side note to all this, is that in addition to the churches having extended operating hours during the summer, the shopping district in Lecce is open until midnight in most areas. Typically, stores close at 8pm, which unfortunately is just about the time when the city comes alive as thousands of people hit the streets for an evening stroll. Obviously, this can translate into residual profits if stores are open – which by law – they cannot. However, with nearly 80% of the city’s merchants in an uproar, the city council gave merchants the “option” to remain open if they want. Another good move for both the city and its many visitors.
Comments Martini, “âÂ?¦The city is not immune to the needs of tourists or merchants, but logical decisions can only be made within the perimeters of the law. Fortunately this is another example of everyone benefiting for the right thinkingâÂ?¦.”
Check out the Associated Content travel archives for several other articles on the city of Lecce – what to see and where to go. New operating hours to accommodate tourists, just one example of the city of Lecce reaching out to meet the needs of its citizens and also the many visitors who flock here each summer.