The City of Pasadena Offers Sizzling Solar Savings

If you are a resident of Pasadena, you can make the sun your friend instead of your enemy. Install low cost solar powered vent fans in your attic to reduce the temperature in your home, reducing the need for excessive use of the air conditioning.
During the summertime your attic becomes a blanket of heat, smothering your home and driving the air conditioning bills sky-high. The temperatures in your attic can easily exceed 120 degrees.
An attic vent fan will draw the hot air out of the attic, keeping it dry and ventilated. The fans help to reduce the temperature inside your home by approximately 15 degrees below the outside air temperature.
Save Money on your electric bill
You’ll use much less air conditioning because your house is comfortable for a longer period during the day. This will greatly reduce your power usage, thereby reducing your electric bill.
The City of Pasadena is doing its part to encourage using solar power by giving Pasadena residents (who are Pasadena Department of Water and Power customers), a $100.00 rebate on a solar powered attic vent fan installed in their homes before September 30, 2005. In order to qualify for the $100.00 rebate, you must purchase the solar equipment within the city limits, otherwise the rebate is $90.00 for solar equipment purchased outside the city limits.
Installation of the Attic Vent Fan Kit
The handy homeowner can install the attic vent fan kit in four basic steps.
The attic vent fan system’s components include:
*1-12″ gable fan 12 VDC
*1-32 watt solar module
*1-Solar mount kit
*1-On/off switch and enough wire, screws, and connectors for the job.
1. First find the best location for solar module. The location should be in clear sun from at least 9 am to 3 pm (this time period is known as the “sun hours” of the location.) In the northern hemisphere, the best locations are on the south or west facing portions of the roof.
2. Install the solar mount kit on the pre-drilled holes found in the solar module frame. Connect the cable to the solar module, both the positive and negative terminals, using the connectors provided. Mount the solar module on the roof with enough cable to go into the gable vent.
3. Connect the on/off switch to another cable and run it to the gable vent. Connect the red wire from the solar module to the red wire on the on/off switch.
4. Mount the gable fan inside the gable vent. Connect the black wire from the solar module to black wire on the fan. Connect the white wire from the on/off switch to the white wire on the fan.
Good Day Sunshine!
In the morning turn on the switch, and as the sunlight charges the solar module, the fan will start turning, ventilating your attic with the clean, renewable energy of the sun.
These systems are relatively inexpensive, and some cities give rebates on these small solar applications. Check with your local department of water and power to find out about the application form for rebates in your city.
According to Ali Gio, customer service for PDWP, the homeowner may install the equipment on their own homes, or may use a licensed electrician.
Winterizes Your Attic
The added benefit is that the fans will also reduce roof rot in the winter, because they keep moisture from collecting in your attic. With a dry, well ventilated attic, your home can have improved temperature control year round.