The Color of a Rose: Red, Yellow and Different Meanings

Red: This is the classic rose. It symbolizes romantic love and affection. Whether given as a single rose (long-stemmed, especially) or as a group of one dozen or more, the red rose is very romantic and elegant. The significance of any red rose makes it easy to give for any romantic occasion, and because even a single rose is a deep and romantic expression, a red rose can fit any budget.
Yellow: A yellow rose is one of friendship and freedom. Unless you are already seriously attached, this rose signals a desire to keep things on a more platonic level, or even to send a message that one is ready to be free. For dedicated couples, however, the idea of friendship and freedom can speak deeper to the relationship, that you feel free around that person, and that you value the friendship that underlies the romantic attachment.
Because the yellow rose is an important symbol in Texas, it has its own cultural meaning in that state. Yellow roses are often given in congratulations of life events, such as a graduation, a promotion, a wedding, or a birth.
Pink: These are the classic “thank you” roses. They indicates gratitude and happiness, as well as admiration. They can be romantic, or not. Mixed with yellow roses it is more of an expression of friendship, but mixed with red, they add deeper meaning to a romantic relationship.
Cream: Cream roses are not quite white in color. They are indicative of charm and thoughtfulness. They are especially appropriate with pink “thank you” roses.
Orange: This rose indicates feelings as passionate as the color orange. These bright roses bring to mind a strong flame and fire. Enthusiasm, desire, and fascination are all indicated by the color of the orange rose.
Lavender: A lavender rose indicates love at first sight. Someone who has enjoyed meeting someone and desires to know him or her better might send lavender roses with an invitation to have another date (or to have a first date, for that matter).
White: Long a symbol of purity, white roses indicate innocence and reverence. Mixed with red or orange roses, they denote a pure depth of love that is seen as pure and encompassing. Mixed with pink or yellow, the innocence emphasizes the platonic meaning.
White is also a symbol of surrender (“surrendering” oneself to the other’s love) and secrecy. A secret admirer may send white flowers as a way to indicate that the recipient is admired from a distance.