The Comforts of a Book

There comes a time when one realizes their passion and interest has gone too far. For me, it happened on a family trip to our cabin.

After spending hours packing for the weekend, we were on the road and heading up north. I looked forward to relaxing with my family and several carefully selected books and magazines. Three hours later, we were in the woodlands. Let the unpacking begin!

By the time the van and trailer were empty, I knew something was not right. Only one of my two green bags was to be found. I opened it with dread and saw a red shirt. I realized my bag of books was at home! I couldn’t believe it, my weekend was ruined!!

Thoughts of my missing books ran through my mind. Steam built inside of me. Disgusted, I grabbed the one green bag in front of me and to my surprise it felt heavier than a bag of clothes should be. Suddenly, I realized it was my bag of books! I quickly tore open the zipper – What a relief! Excitement ran through me! My comforts were with me – my books!
Seconds later, I realized I only had the clothes on my back, with the exception of this one shirt thrown into the bag of books. “Yuck,” was my first thought when I realized it would be a long weekend with one set of clothes. My next thought was, “Oh well, at least I have my books.”

The sunny weekend was spent reading leisurely on the dock while the kids swam. I survived in one set of clothes and got by with a daily shower. I washed my clothes in the sink like the generation before me. Even though the weekend was not one of total comfort, at least I had my books.

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