The Corner Post Restaurant, Bringing Country Cooking to Your Table

What do you do when you want real country cooking like granny used to make?
Head to the Corner Post off hi-way 41 in North Coffee off exit 105.

The Corner Post is a uniquely Manchester seafood restaurant. Snuggled in the woods beside North Coffee school, you can get a sizzlin’ plate of frog legs that make your taste buds jump.
Coupled with a plate full of fries, slaw and hush puppies, you’ll think your back in grannies kitchen. And in a way you are.

The Corner Post opened on April 18th by Gail and Dennis Banks. Gail was one of the founding owners of Granny Fishes House and the Nut Cave Trout Farm in Tullahoma and she knows her way around a catfish.”I loved that place and working with the public. I’m just a people person.” said Gail. She sold Granny Fishes and moved to Manchester’s Boyton Valley, living a quiet life as a grandmother for several years until husband Dennis decided that she needed to get back into the public life she loves so much.

Dennis Banks grew up in the area and seeing the empty building across from the Busy Corner brought back memories. “The lady that got us together lived right around here and we were out in the field walking around when Dennis found the old fence corner post.” explained Banks. “And then we had it “The Corner Post” was going to be our name.

The restaurant is decorated with huge wild life murals. The walls are covered with scenes from the wilderness; fields and streams and large acres of trees. Small critters adorn the shelves and tables. Ceramic frogs and squirrels and bunnies litter the landscape of the interior.

The aspect that makes this restaurant so uniquely Manchester lays smack in the middle of the main dining room. It is filled with work from local craftsman. Handmade quilts, pen and ink framed art and oil paintings, hand-crafted bird-houses and mailboxes are nestled in between sparkling pieces by local jewelers.”We don’t accept yard sale stuff here,” explained Gail. “This is all authentic craftsmanship by our own talented locals,”

The Corner Post serves all types of seafood and steaks with a variety of appetizers from fried mushrooms and dill pickles to onion rings and blue smoke peppers.
They take great pride in their cooks and they should. Wayne Honea, Ricky Renolds and Richard Pierce hail from previous restaurants like The Whistle Stop and The Lamplight in Columbia. These guys have experience in country cuisine most only dream of and pride themselves on the fast prep but excellent quality of their meals. “They will even prepare your lunch and have it waiting for you when you get here if your in a hurry.” said Gail.

They are a completly smoke and alcohol free establishment. They are open Monday through Saturday from 11a.m. till 9 p.m. They offer a conference room by reservation at no extra charge.
The supply take out orders and have ample parking. “We will also have bluegrass music by locals on special occasions.” Banks said with a smile. Gail and Dennis Banks invite everyone to come sit a spell and enjoy a plate of Coffee County home cooking.

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