The Cruzan Rum Distillery in St. Croix, Virgin Islands

Ever wondered how Rum is made? Well If your in St. Croix US Virgin Islands, stop by and take a tour of the Cruzan Rum Distillery. Rum is one of the favorite drinks in the islands, not only there but world wide. From the 1650’s, the Virgin Islands have produced some of the finest rum in the world. They had become so well known for their quality, that rum was traded as a valuable treasure all over the world.

Sugar cane fields use to covered almost two thirds of the island. The Sugar was sold and exported throughout Europe and around the world. Many of the plantations had what they call still-houses for making of the rum. Plantations had slaves working in the cane fields, and the still-houses. By the middle of the 19th century beets were cultivated else ware and so it reduced the need for sugar cane. If you drive around St. Croix, you will still see many of the old plantations, and the sugar mills, (windmills) throughout the island.

Today they still make rum in St. Croix, the Cruzan Rum factory which is located in Estate Diamond, it is one of the only four rum distilleries which are under the U.S. Flag. They use only the purest, natural ingredients. Dark Molasses syrup that is separated from crystallized sugar, fermented with yeast in carefully controlled temperature, the sugars is converted to alcohol by the yeast. They use oak barrels to fill the rum distillate. The rum ages from any where two years, twelve years or even longer. Oh and did I mentioned that rain water is used.

After you do the tour of the Rum Distillery, you will be taken to the visitors greeting center, where you can sample the rum, and make your selection of your favorite drink to bring home with you. My favorite is the Cruzan Single Barrel estate rum, this you can drink from a brandy snifter, with a little ice. Nice and smooth and mellow. There are an assortment of different flavored rums, dark and light. Some of the rum has been aged for two-twelve years.

So, remember if your ever interested in knowing the history of Rum, log on to, or if your visiting the Island, stop by and take a tour.

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