The Daily Hassle of Staying Organized

Some people, it seems, are always organized; they know where everything is. On the other hand, some people just can’t manage. Here are some tips to help.

A place for everything, and everything in it’s place.
Have a place for everything set aside, and make a conscious effort to put it back in it’s place. It’ll be hard at first, but eventually it will become habit. Once it’s habit, it’ll be your second nature to you to put things back in it’s place. If at first you fail, try writing a note on the object itself. [it’s not as absurd as it sounds]

Don’t get in a hurry. Most people who frequently seem unorganized are on the run. Just slow down a minute, and you’ll realize that the keys you cannot find for the life of you are on the bathroom counter, somewhere you would never look. If you find yourself leaving such important items in obscure places, take a moment to place them somwhere obvious, like in your purse, or a pocket, or a counter top in plain sight.

Make a list. Sounds irritating, I know, but it works. Again, in a few days, you’ll be in the habit, and you won’t even need the list. Making yourself do it will be a real challenge, but if you master the technique, you’ll soon be a real pro!

Don’t get frustrated. If you’re in a hurry, upset, or otherwise distracted, you’re more likely to forget things. Slow down a moment. Take a deep breath; and you’ll remember that you saw your wallet not ten minutes ago. Retrace your steps, and you’ll see it right in front of you. Wasn’t that easy?

If all else fails, get a rubber chicken. That’s right, a rubber chicken. Don’t laugh yet. I knew a person once [no names will be mentioned] that was constantly forgetting where she placed her keys. She solved this problem by hooking a full sized rubber chicken to her key ring. Now if there’s anything more obvious than a rubber chicken, you may substitue that; but here’s the deal. It works. Either you will easily be able to spot your missing item [rubber chicken and all] or you’ll be so ashamed of the chicken that you’ll start remembering where you put your stuff just so you can get rid of it. [Don’t knock it ’til you try it, because this works.]

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