The Danger of Trust in Government

Sometimes I am sure it is easier to say, “just trust that everything will be allright” or trust the President, he knows what is best for us.” Sadly, it’s not even close to true. What this President thinks is best is what enriches his cronies, ensures the Bush Aristocracy, and pushes his faith agenda. It amazes me what a person can get away with as long as they convince people they are acting in their best interests. Or that they share their ‘faith.”

When I hear that about half of Americans feel that it is OK for the President to do warrantless tapping, I gasp. I imagine what it must have been like in Germany in the early thirties, when the majority of people thought of Hitler as a great man. I can imagine being a voice crying to to wind, “wait a minute, this isn’t right.” The media manipulation is more suttle now, but even more effective. Take, for example, the “mistake” when the President had his mike left on, for what was supposed to be a “closed” meeting. Still sounded like a stump speech, didn’t it?

I know some will be shocked by the comparison to pre-war Germany. But if one looks, the similarities abound. The fear mongering, the pandering to cronies and corporate buddies, the manipulation of the media, the force feeding of nationalism,
the rampant spending. Remember, Hitler didn’t look like a monster in 1932. And we are at this point after the Sept. 11th attacks. can you imagine what some would be able to give up (in freedoms to Bush) if there was another attack? Or two?
This President isn’t interested in catching Osama Bi Laden, they need each other. They are the best recruiters for the army of their enemy.

I don’t intend to sit idly by, and see my country stolen. The first thing to do is to get Congressional control away from the President’s party. Once this is done, real investigations can begin. The second is to be awake, and paying attention. Watch what is going on with an open mind, and loudly cry out against it.

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