The Death Penalty Should Die!

I used to be pro-death penalty. I figured, “If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.”

Then about 3 years ago, a trip to the camera store changed my mind about all of that. “How?”, you ask. Really it’s quite simple:

Our lives are made up of video, and we hope people will judge us by the video of our lives rather than the worst of our snapshots. Yet, when it comes to others, we seem content to judge the content of character based on the very worst of snapshots. In other words, we are content to kill people for things that they did in brief moments of time and then we completely disregard all that came before and all that came afterwards. I think that is too random. I think that if we expect to be judged for the whole of who we are, that we should also apply the same principal in pronouncing judgment.

In addition, my opposition to the death penalty comes from the randomness of the sentencing. In other words, often times, the difference between a life sentence and a death sentence is the quality of your attorney. Is it any wonder that the minority populations make up the majority of Death Row inmates?

We live in a world where it is possible to contribute to society without participating in society. So do I believe in the death penalty? Sometimes I think death may be too kind. I believe, instead, in the Life Penalty.

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