The Definitive Family Guy Quiz

Currently in it’s fourth season, the cult Fox hit Family Guy is more popular than ever. Since it’s 1999 debut, loyal minions everywhere have tuned in every week to laugh out loud at Peter, Stewie and the gang. Let’s test your skills to see if you’re just an average fan, or a true Family Guy addict. We’ll be covering all four seasons in this triva quiz, with answers at the end. As Peter would say, “Sweet!!!”

1. He provides the voice of Stan Smith on Family Guy:
a. Adam Corolla
b. Eugene Levy
c. Seth MacFarlane
d. Sam DeWitt

2. Where did Peter work before taking on his current job as a fisherman?
a. Carl’s Jr.
b. Happy Go Lucky Toy Company
c. Pet Analysis Centers of America
d. Aunt Katie’s Bread

3. On the finale of season one of Family Guy, what is the basis for Peter and Brian’s epic fight?
a. Brian is made to enter a dog show
b. Peter changes Brian’s name to Skeeter
c. Brian is forced to enter rehab
d. Peter catches Lois and Brian in bed

4. What is the title for the pilot of Family Guy?
a. Sweet!!!
b. No Freakin’ Way
c. Death Has a Shadow
d. Lazy Days and Gassy Nights

5. What landmark sitcom of the past is parodied in the Family Guy theme music?
a. Simpsons
b. Associated Content
d. All in the Family

6. Who is the mayor of Quahog?
a. Adam West
b. Michael Stipe
c. Joel Burns
d. Tom Cruise

7. What is the name of Mr. Pewterschmidt’s racing dog?
a. Apple Bottom
b. Wanda Joe
c. Britney Spears
d. Seabreeze

8. What boy band’s tour bus breaks down in front of the Griffin’s home?
a. Backstreet Boys
b. Hanson
c. Boyz 2 Men
d. Bel Biv Devoe

9. Who does the voice of Lois on Family Guy?
a. Goldie Hawn
b. Mila Kunis
c. Maury Povich
d. Alex Borstein

10. In the row of family portraits hanging in the living room of the Griffins, who’s portrait is in the middle?
a. Brian
b. Chris
c. Meg
d. Stewie

11. What is the name of Peter’s friend’s deli?
a. The Ohio
b. Cleveland’s Deli
c. Quahog Custom Meats
d. Cleveland’s House-o-Meat

12. Who plays the roll of Peter in Joe’s made for tv movie?
a. Bea Arthur
b. Hillary Clinton
c. Hulk Hogan
d. Bob Dole

13. What year was Family Guy cancelled?
a. it wasn’t
b. 2002
c. 1999
d. 2005

14. “Everything I say is a lie…except that…and that”…Who said this?
a. Peter to Chris
b. Brian to Peter
c. Meg to Stewie
d. Cleveland to Peter

15. Chris is overheard talking to ___ on the phone, rather obscenely, in season 2 of Family Guy-
a. Meg
b. Brian
c. Joe
d. Grandma

16. What is the title of the Family Guy Episode where Peter claims to have had the most ticks in 1965?
a. Brian-Portrait of a Dog
b. He’s Too Sexy for his Fat
c. Chitty-Chitty Death Bang
d. Quahog County PTA

17. How many tickets did Timmy need to live in Chitty Chitty Death Bang?
a. 13
b. 12
c. 15
d. 10

18. What is the name of Stewie’s teddy bear?
a. Rupert
b. Adolf
c. Ramona
d. Sadaam

19. What band did Lois date the pyro guy from?
a. Foo Fighters
b. Cartel
c. Mike and the Mechanics
d. White Snake

20. What is Lois and Peter’s safety word?
a. ass
b. banana
c. Oh My God
d. the end

Now that you’ve made it through this maze of nearly impossible Family Guy trivia, let’s see how you scored. Here are the answers to the quiz:

1. c. Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane-he also created American Dad.
2. b. Happy Go Lucky Toy Company-lost when Peter’s boss Mr. Weed had a freak choking accident at the Griffin’s house.
3. a. Brian is made to enter a dog show to help pay for an air conditioner during a heat wave. He is also sent to doggy death row in that episode.
4. c. Death Has a Shadow
5. d. All in the Family
6. a. Adam West-the original Batman
7. d. Seabreeze-her career was cut short when Brian “violated” her.
8. b. Hanson-later murdered by Peter in Chitty Chitty Death Bang
9. d. Alex Borstein-also of Mad TV
10. c. Meg
11. b. Cleveland’s Deli
12. a. Bea Arthur-name of the movie, “Rolling Courage-The Joe Swanson Story”
13. b. 2002-Later one of the rare shows brought back by fan rebellion
14. a. Peter to Chris
15. d. grandma
16. b. He’s Too Sexy For his Fat
17. c. 15-“Oh, I’m sorry Timmy, you need 15 tickets to live.”
18. a. Rupert
19. White Snake (Lois also dated KISS’s Gene Simmons)
20. b. banana

I hope you learned some new Family Guy trivia along the way and scored well on the quiz. Continue watching Family Guy on FOX and there’ll be a much more substantial quiz next time around!

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