The Denver Wrangler Gay Bar – Bear Life in Denver Colorado

I went through most of the phases of coming out(Slut, Drunk, Stable). Bar hopping every night. Planning my nights on free booze from bars and dancing till dawn. Crawling into work the next day only to start all over again.
Something I’ve learned is that you tend to meet your true friends outside of the bars.
I met my husbear and married him more then three years ago. I’ve accepted his kids into my life and we are a family. We have all the same ups and downs that any normal family have. Quite simply we are human. We face the same struggles that everyone else face. My partner and I are both diabetics. My partner has a heart condition. We struggle with all the battles of any other family. Teen dramas and traumas.
As we face our daily lives we look to our friends and community to support us. We surround our selves with people who help lift us up and we lift them up.
One of our favorite places to go is the Denver Wrangler. The Denver Wrangler started out as a simple western gay bar and has now become a large hang out for friends, lovers and frisky bears that want to play. We meet mostly on Thursdays and Sundays.
Thursday nights provides a $1 drink nights, where we can drink and be Mary…
Sundays are the grand daddy of all parties at the Denver Wrangler. The Beer Bear Busts. One flat price for all you can drink for men starting around 3:30-4 and going till everyone is full and fun.
On our off nights we like to take in the sights and sounds of downtown Denver where we have the !6th Street mall. It’s a large venue with shops and people.
Our way of life is simple and we live like all… Each day can be our last as we have learned from life. If you see us out an about please approach us. We are fun life loving people who always like to meet new friends.
As the drama plays out in our world I’ll try to bring you my point of view.