The Difference Between Reality and Truth

Reality and truth have become so common that they have lost their individual integrity. They are not the same thing. They get thrown around so loosely that people have forgotten what they actually mean. Social jurisprudence is important, but ultimately a fundamental standard must be constructed to prevent these two profound concepts from being trampled on.

The standard has to do with quality. Reality has none. It just is. It’s a being. Truth has a quality. It has a power to do something. The difference between the two is clearly objective.

If one takes a glance at the defintions of these two words, they will find several overlapping characterstics. In fact, reality is part of the definition in truth and truth is part of the defintion in reality. There is a piece of each that distinguishes it from one another though.

The piece of truth that separates it from reality is the part of it that speaks of virtuosity. Virtuosity has to do with efficacy and efficacy has to do with the power to produce effects or intended results. Reality has nothing to do with power. It’s just about authenticity.

Authenticity is about having a genuine orginal. That’s what reality is. Authenticity is the context of reality that separates it from truth. So, on one hand you have a genuine original, and on the other you have somethng that has the power to produce effects or intended results. What’s the difference between the two?

The main difference has to do with power. Truth is about power, having the power needed to do whatever it intends to do. Reality has nothing to do with power. It’s about authenticity, having something that just is in and of itself.

This debate is important because these words get thrown around so loosely and their true meanings get lost in the shuffle. Socially, I suppose it is ethical, but politically and economically the roots of these words must be clearly identified. Reality is French. Truth is Anglo-Saxon. Is the importance starting to become clear?

I would hope that after reading this short excerpt, people will have a little bit more respect for these two terms that they use with such less care than is ultimately demanded. For instance, in reality this exegesis could be a waiste of time. Truthfully though however, it could solve a lot of problems for many confused and or ignorant people. I myself have fallen into the trap of using these two terms interchangeably, which is precisely why I embarked on this excursion in the first place; to figure out what each one is in and of itself. I hope you have learned as much as I have. Understanding these relationships is an ode to not necessarily being overtly critical, but to become familiar with a language and it’s history, how and or why some things are considered similar, but ultimately understanding how they are different. When you understand how they are different, you can use them more accurately. By using them more accurately, the situation changes. Life begins to evolve at a much more sophisticated level, a level that burns gray area.

Gray area that burns and distintegrates to become black or white becomes much more identifiable. Sometimes though however in order to create those more clearly defined boundaries, one has to admit that the gray area exists in the first place. Are reality and truth used synonymously? Are they used synonymously to a point where the two have become one? Are they one?

I suppose it is really a matter of degree, caliber, and or size. How big are these two? How big is reality? How big is truth? They’re huge. They’re absolutely gigantic. They’re bigger than most things. I think there is some room left over to construct a difference. Literarture sure seems to think so. What do you do with this difference, these differences, the quality between is and to be? Those are in fact a difference, the difference. Is and to be.

Is, naturally is what is reality. To be is what is the truth? Great Jeopardy questions! Define is. What is reality? Define to be. What is truth? The difference between the two of course is time. How long does it take before reality is truth? How long does it take something that is to be? To be what? Maybe it enjoys just being what is. Etymologically, could French ever become English? Has it already?

I think people will get this. It’s a bit philosophical, but the points are pretty clear. They’re really for our advantage, to become better equipped. Truth is that which has the power to do whatever it intends to do. Reality has to do with the state of having a genuine original, something that is authentic. Originals do not necessarily have to have the power to do anything; they just are. They however may never be true. Being true though is not that important if you’re just trying to keep it real. Let the truth be what it may.

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