The Different Meanings Attached to Colors

Did you know that color is considered to be one of the most valuable tools people possess? Color has the ability to cause various effects, both positive and negative, within our lives. For instance, were you aware that certain colors can affect driving? It is said that the colors brown, black, and green are the least safe when it comes to cars due to the inability to see them clearly at night. Did you know that a gray vehicle is nearly invisible in foggy weather? Owning a red car can attract more thieves because of its high visibility. Colors can also influence our eating habits. Did you know that both brown and green are associated with healthy foods? Were you aware that yellow and red actually stimulate your appetite while the color blue discourages people from eating?

Colors also affect your moods and your performance ability. Did you know that people are more productive in a blue room? In fact, studies have shown that weightlifters actually perform better and handle more weight in blue gyms. Were you aware that a purple room can trigger imagination or that yellow rooms cause people to lose their tempers more easily? Nonetheless, yellow has been shown to increase one’s concentration and memory skills. Were you aware that red increases heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure? Did you know this reaction is the same in people who are blind even though they cannot see? Were you aware that redheads are more susceptible to pain? The color pink can cause a tranquilizing effect, and pink locker rooms will decrease energy levels. Did you know that green is a healing color and enables relaxation? This is the reason why people on television sit in “greenrooms.” People working in green areas suffer fewer stomach ailments, and patients recover faster with green plants placed in their rooms.

Most colors have some sort of symbolic interpretation associated with them. For example, the color red is commonly linked to love; but did you know that blue is also associated with love? This is the reason behind the bride carrying something blue at her wedding. Were you aware that the color blue has the opposite effect on people than the color red? Blue lowers a person’s blood pressure and respiration. At times, this color has even been connected to depression. For instance, when you are sad, you’re said to have the ‘blues.’ Ever heard of blue devils? These are feelings of depression as well. On a more positive note, however, blue is one of the most popular colors. In fact, did you know that in this country, blue is America’s top choice when buying a toothbrush? Did you know that black usually represents power or that brown suggests trueness? Were you aware that more men pick brown as their favorite color than women do? Green is associated with nature; did you know that it is also the most soothing color to the human eye? Purple tends to stir up mixed feelings in people and often represents royalty. However, were you aware that this color might also help to alleviate migraines? Pink usually goes hand-in-hand with red when it comes to romance, but did you know that it relieves tension and is often used in diet therapy as an appetite suppressant? White symbolizes purity which is why a bride’s gown is this color. Did you know that it is considered good luck to marry in white as well? Were you aware that yellow is the first color our eyes notice?

Color has different meanings in many cultures, and we all respond to them in different ways. The color for mourning is perceived differently throughout many cultures. Black signifies mourning or death within the United States, Egypt, Rome, and most of Europe. However, did you know that in China and Japan the color of mourning is white? Were you aware that if a married woman in India wears white, she is inviting widowhood or unhappiness into her life? Did you know the color red is associated with death in Celtic regions or that it is the official color of mourning in South Africa? Yellow is the color of mourning in Burma while it is blue in Iran. In Greece and Mexico, purple is considered the color of death; and in Thailand this color shows mourning. Luck is believed to be brought on by certain colors in some cultures as well. Did you know that Egyptians wore blue to guard against evil or that black cats were said to hold divine power? In Greece, eggs are dyed red at Easter for good luck and wearing white was thought to ensure pleasant dreams. Did you know that China thinks red is good luck and it’s used for holidays and weddings. Were you aware that green is sacred in Egypt, the national color of Ireland, marks honor in Scotland, and symbolizes victory in Greece? In many cultures, brides wear white. Did you know that during the Middle Ages, brides wore green to symbolize fertility? Did you know the Mennonites once painted their doors green to show a daughter’s readiness for marriage? A Zulu tradition actually uses patterns and colors to tell whether or not a woman is single, engaged, married, etc. For example, a blue band signifies fidelity and shows engagement while blue, white, and black represents marriage. Were you aware that the color yellow was once worn by executioners in Spain and the doors of criminals were painted this color in France? Did you know that Native Americans associate colors with the four directions? Blue represents north and symbolizes cold or trouble, white represents south and symbolizes warmth and peace, red represents east and success, while black represents west and problems.

In nature, colors provide interesting information as well. Were you aware that the true color of our universe is beige? Were you aware that there are no true colors of black with respect to flowers? These black look-a-likes are actually dark purple; and due to their placement against green backgrounds in bright sunlight, purple flowers appear black. Did you know that brown is significant in nature because it represents the color of Earth? Have you ever seen a black rainbow? These result from clear skies and water vapor coinciding with a full moon at night. Although “moonbows” may appear black, they actually contain all colors. Did you know a spider’s blood will turn blue when exposed to oxygen or that a mouse will produce droppings according to the color of crayons it has nibbled on? Were you aware that bees can see ultraviolet, blue, and yellow? However, were you aware that most insects cannot see yellow? Did you know that at one time an ounce of purple dye was obtained from soaking 20,000 Purpura snails for ten days or that the remains of the Cochineal beetle were once dried and used to obtain bright crimson dye? Were you aware that yellow dye comes from onions?

Did you know that seamstresses are hesitant to use green thread the night before a fashion show? It is thought to be bad luck. Did you know people once wore blue to guard against witches? Were you aware that the term “whited sepulcher” refers to a hypocrite? Were you aware that red is most commonly found in national flags or that a white flag represents a truce universally? Did you know that at least one of the colors making up the Olympic logo (red, yellow, blue, green, and black) is found in the flag of every nation? Were you aware that only one national flag is a solid color? This is the green flag of Libya. Are you aware that nothing rhymes with the colors orange or purple? Did you know that red actually encourages people to spend money? Do you know the difference between “in the red” or “in the black”? If a company is “in the red,” it’s losing money while one that is “in the black” is making money. Most people link the color white with being pale, but did you know that if someone is “green around the gills,” he or she appears pale and sickly?

Some colors are good, while others are deemed unlucky. Nonetheless, the world of color is an interesting one, perceived differently across the globe. All that glitters may not gold; but I’d still follow the rainbow just to see where it goes.

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