The Duality of Personal Consciousness

Whilst participating in researching levels of consciousness, I became aware of the natural duality active within human consciousness. In my seminars, I shared awareness of this duality as it is important to understand how interactive these dual levels of consciousness are. I always explained in detail the unconscious interactivity that is occurring during our alert time, when we are awake. We activate the essence of how we create and experience our individuality, within our minds. So it is a good idea to understand the process of how we are unconsciously doing this.
Different levels of consciousness exist, and the duality in individual consciousness is obvious as it occurs naturally. The alert state experienced when the individual is awake, gives conscious awareness, and the non-alert state when the individual is sleeping, gives subconscious awareness. This is the duality in individual consciousness, and the individual experiences these levels of consciousness naturally. The subconscious mind is constant, whereas the conscious mind ceases to be active during the hours of sleeping.
When the conscious mind is the predominant level of consciousness, the ability to be intelligently aware and have logical reasoning is active. The faculties of the conscious mind are the ability to think, to know, to understand, to imagine, to experience feelings and emotions and to have intelligence. Using logic and reason gives us the ability to have intelligent awareness when assessing the reality of any situation. The personality and its emotional reactions become less impulsive, when the intelligence within the mind is dominant.
When sleeping the subconscious mind is active, and the conscious mind ceases activity. The subconscious level of consciousness is then dominant, without being directed by the feelings and emotions that are active within the conscious mind. Without any conscious mind activity the intelligence of the subconscious mind is active, without the hindrance of any reactive feelings and emotional disturbance. When sleeping, the subconscious mind’s purpose is to regenerate and balance the conscious mind and the physical body. Sleep is a vital necessity as it re-energizes the body, and creates the possibility for cohesive inner balance and stability to exist within the conscious mind.
Dreaming is the language of the subconscious mind; emotions are experienced within dreams, but happen without causing any drastic reactions or direct action, in the conscious reality. The intensity of the feelings, emotional reactions and emotional disturbances experienced in the conscious mind, are absorbed into the subconscious memory.
If the individual uses self-discipline, to control the intensity of their emotional reactions, they become more rational and less emotionally irrational. When the individual is experiencing emotional upheavals, self-disciplining their emotional reactions will assist them to maintain their inner balance and stability. Because feelings and emotions affect the emotional stability of the individual, emotional reactions often overwhelm logical thinking and reasoning.
Logical thinking activates the ability to have clarity, and sound reasoning enables the individual to make correct assessment of the situation. Logical reasoning can evaluate whether the probable choices or decisions are reasonable or unreasonable. Evaluating the situation, before any hasty action, is to have the self-discipline to assess the existing situation and circumstance, before going into action. It is more difficult to use reason and logic to intelligently perceive reality, when feelings and emotions are actively involved.