The Epiphany

The Epiphany It begins when you open your mind to what lies around you. You wade through the muck and the mire and trudge ever deeper into the psyche of those around you. There are inner demons that you recognize and those that you don’t. Your empathy reveals the existence of others and you are shown all the more about who and where you truly are. Suddenly, you are no longer wading, but thrashing. Mired in the world around you. You find yourself deep within the abyss and realize you have been buried for as long as you can remember. You struggle and strive to break free to see what the surface will reveal to your eyes. You hear the screaming of those around you, for you are aware of all demons, all miseries. Every ounce of your strength goes into the battle at hand as you seek the truth that is found above. The Epiphany comes to you. Your muscles freeze and all motion comes to an end. The dissonance echoes through you and the pain in your throat reveals the origin of the cacophony. The shock of truth stops the noise. All sense’s alive and shrill. When the screaming stops, the rest is silence. Throwing your head back, you take the deepest of breaths and screech. This time, however, your ululation is brought forth through passion and need. Once more a beginning ends and you open your mind to what lies around you.

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