The Evolution of Commercialization

Since the beginning of history itself, the movement of goods and money has been pivotal to the success of economics and civilization itself. The development of barter and trade has allowed specialization between different parties of merchants and producers, and allowed every party to gain and prosper in some way. Commercialization, or the evolution and development of these fundamental processes, has changed very much across time, changing the method that merchants do business. From simple pieces of grain, gold, and silver, to the movement of electrical signals between computer systems, the process of commercialization and its development has greatly improved the quality and ideology of human life.

The first important pillar of commercialization is the important focus on the equality of the products being traded or transferred. In order for transactions to be able to function, both parties have to agree on a mutual understanding of the premises of the trade. If a certain product is evaluated at a certain set price, and an offer is received for a price much lower than that, the transaction is not likely to proceed. This can be seen in a multitude of places, ranging from markets with established economies, such as the stock market, to very crude forums, such as a flea market.

The second pillar is the agreement on a trade medium. In the modern day, this is cash or paper money, backed by a central treasury, whereas historically this would have been precious metals or semi-rare commodities. The establishment of a tender frees up the system from the constraints of simply trading goods, and allows for the parity and comparison in value of widely different products.

The last pillar is the advertisement of trade opportunities. This has especially changed rapidly, as new technologies always add a greater ability to pitch products and receive offers. For example, eCommerce in the 21st century has been revolutionary in providing greater and better opportunities for traders to find cheaper and better products. Without the ability to find opportunities, traders and their products and money would never be able to push them to other merchants and traders.

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