The Facts About Changing Tables

Changing tables were created and designed in order to fit the needs of new parents. With a changing table, a parent can easily tend to the baby and change his or her clothes or diapers. It is not necessary that you must purchase a changing table as part of your nursery, but they can certainly come in handy!

First of all, it will help you to understand that there is more than one type of changing tables. The most inexpensive types are the open shelf changing tables. They are the ones that have guardrails at the top. They are quite basic in their design and have no spaces for storing or organizing diapers or other materials and supplies.

Changing tables normally stand around three and a half feet tall. This height provides the least amount of strain to a parent’s back when bending over to change the baby. Most changing tables have large storage areas at their base where you can easily store diaper stacks and other materials for changing baby, such as diaper wipes and baby powder. Some changing tables even have containers that help you keep your items organized. Some of the nicer changing tables are heavier pieces of furniture that serve as a chest of drawers. You will usually find that these models have three drawers where you can conveniently store extra changes of clothes, layettes, diapers and more. These style changing tables are often referred to as combination style changing tables or combination units. Once you have no need for the changing element of a combination, you can still use the piece of furniture as a nice dresser.

Changing tables feature a smooth, flat top great for changing your baby on. Many come standard with a full vinyl changing pad. These pads are quite large, the size of the changing area, and are waterproof. As with any waterproof material, the changing pads are extremely easy to change. Standard changing pads are white, but can be purchased in a variety of other different colors, or you may even purchase changing pad covers. For added comfort, you may use soft, washable changing pads on top of the vinyl one. Your baby will appreciate the gentle and warm touch to the skin that these pads provide. They are complete with waterproof backing so that you can rest assured that your baby will stay dry. Just simply toss the changing pads into your washing machine to keep clean.

All changing tables feature guardrails that will keep your baby from rolling and falling from the changing surface. For added security, you can purchase contoured changing pads. Contoured changing pads cradle your baby in a concave shape and will keep him or her from rolling on the changing surface.

Many changing tables also come standard with child safety straps. These straps keep your baby from rolling around on the changing surface as well.

Changing tables were meant to make diaper changing a little easier. Always bear in mind that you must adhere to safety precautions when using a changing table. Never leave your child unattended on a changing table surface. Baby could endure serious injury if he or she is to fall.

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